April 6, 2021

5 Tips for Writing Better CV

1. Tailor your CV to your ideal job description

You are the one who provides the service and your potential employer is your target audience. Find out what language he speaks and use this “language” aka keywords in your resume. Make sure your competencies are truthful and relevant to the job description provided.

2. Put a solid summary at the top

An appealing summary somewhere at the top of your resume will set a tone. You can outline your huge N-year experience in some field and right away express your aspiration to bring it to the table.

3. Pick proper formatting and design

Simple formatting, such as black and white text, consistent font, clean lines, still works. Avoid first-person pronouns, spelling out numbers, wrong tenses, too short or too long wording.

4. Always list (enough) hard and soft skills

Hard skills are all about your competencies in the field, while soft ones mean professional traits like a team player, time management, etc. Make sure you write clear bullet points and stick to a 2:1 ratio - for every two hard skills, add one soft skill.

5. Simply do not overdo

Do not add any personal information beyond your email, contact number, and social media profile. Do not include a photo and do not mention former supervisors, payment agreements, references. Avoid obsolete skills and experience.

Just remember: simplicity, integrity, and clarity are always attractive. Happy applying!