March 10, 2021

How to create a rock-solid employer brand?

Come with strong and compelling messaging Best-in-class employer brands boast consistent and authentic messaging that tugs on potential employees’ heartstrings at every step of the way. The channels to convey it are career pages, website, social media, videos of current employees praising the brand, culture questions coming as interviews, onboarding welcome goodies.

Be your best at Employee Value Proposition The Employee Value Proposition is a system of support, appreciation, and values that an employee receives from an employer to fulfill their ultimate potential at work. The right EVP includes financial rewards, employment perks, career growth, work environment, corporate culture, and so on.

Do not power but EMpower That’s what true leadership is about! Empowerment starts with a powerful onboarding framework and goes through each career step of an employee. To boost retention, managers should develop career planning and talent growth options for an individual.

Make a talent dimension integral to the corporate brand First-rate IT companies should get rid of this “employer brand” label and build out a talent dimension as an indispensable part of the corporate brand. A talent framework with the core attributes from managers and execs and continuous feedback from TA are just the thing to achieve this.

Use social media feedback to your advantage Socials are often the first go-to sources to “look up to” when it’s about studying a potential employer. When bad reviews happen, it’s not about avoiding them, but managing them correctly. Anyway, all feedback helps identify the ways to better organizational culture and enhance an employer brand.