Наша студия диджитал-маркетинга Медиа Группа Локомотив с огромным опытом успешной реализации сложных проектов в области SEO https://locomotive.kiev.ua/ (поисковой оптимизации) приглашает новых сотрудников.
Today in the territory of Ukraine, one of the largest agricultural organizations can be called Agroforce. Since its inception, it has been actively developing, and today, after 15 years of operation, it occupies a leading position among competitors. This business project started in 2004. At that time, the company employed only four people. But self-confidence and a great desire to provide high-quality products to Ukrainian supermarkets' shelves did their job. Within two years, the number of employees doubled, and the amount of cultivated land also increased significantly.Today the Agroforce company cooperates with such popular supermarkets throughout Ukraine as Silpo, ATB, and others.