February 22, 2020

HatiKO Envelopes script description

HatiKO Envelopes script is available on TradingView.com and allows you to select the optimal HatiKO bot settings with great accuracy. Of course, if only you allow the selection of settings on historical data.


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Activate Short - allow Short orders

Multiplier Lot Size Short 1.XX - multiplier added to initial balance, default is 1, which equals 100% of balance for each Envelope

Timeframe Short - Timeframe to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe

MA Type Short - Type of MA to use for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA

Data Short - Source of Price for Short Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4

MA Length Short - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3

MA Offset Short - Offset for MA value used for Short Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0

Activate Long - allow Long orders

Multiplier Lot Size Long 1.XX - multiplier added to initial balance, default is 1, which equals 100% of balance for each Envelope

Timeframe Long - Timeframe to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe

MA Type Long - Type of MA to use for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA

Data Long - Source of Price for Long Opening MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4

MA Length Long - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3

MA Offset Long - Offset for MA value used for Long Envelopes calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0

Mode close MA Short - Enable different MA for Short position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA

Timeframe Short close - Timeframe to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe

MA Type Close Short - Type of MA to use for Short Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA

Data Short Close - Source of Price for Short Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4

MA Length Short Close - Period used for Short Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3

Short Deviation % - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0

MA Offset Short Close - Offset for MA value used for Short Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0

Mode close MA Long - Enable different MA for Long position Closure, default is "false". If false, Closure MA = Opening MA

Timeframe Long Close - Timeframe to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is Current Graph Timeframe

MA Type Close Long - Type of MA to use for Long Position Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is SMA

Data Long Close - Source of Price for Long Closure MA calculation, can be chosen from dropdown list, default is OHLC4

MA Length Long Close - Period used for Long Opening MA calculation, should be >=1, default is 3

Long Deviation - % to move from MA value, used to close position above or beyond MA, can be negative, default is 0

MA offset Long Close - Offset for MA value used for Long Position Closure calculation, should be >= 0, default is 0

Envelope 4..1 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Shorts numbers should be positive, the higher is number, the higher should be Shift position, example: "Shift 1 = 1, shift 2 = 2, etc."

Envelope 3 Short Double Size - use double lot size for 3rd Envelope

Envelope 1..4 - % from MA value to put Envelopes at, for Longs numbers should be negative, the lower is number, the lower should be Shift position, example: "Shift 1 = -1, shift 2 = -2, etc."

Envelope 3 Long Double Size - use double lot size for 3rd Envelope

From Year 20XX - Backtesting Starting Year number, only 20xx supported as script is cryptocurrency-oriented
To Year 20XX - Backtesting Final Year number, only 20xx supported as script is cryptocurrency-oriented
From Month - Years starting Month, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
To Month - Years ending Month, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
From day - Months starting day, optional tweaking, changing not recommended
To day - Months ending day, optional tweaking, changing not recommended

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