January 24, 2023

"Love, protect, neuter." Shelter for Stray Dogs "Hayot" implements a project for homeless animals

Source – https://aktualno.uz/ru/news/6827

Four days ago, a charity project for the sterilization of homeless animals was launched at the Hayot shelter, which will last until October 25.

The inspirer and inviting party for such a large-scale event for free castration and sterilization of homeless animals was the NGO “Hayot”, headed by the head Iroda Matkarimova. Thanks to the efforts, representatives of the French Brigitte Bardot Foundation, the German Tierschutz Foundation, as well as highly qualified veterinary surgeons from Germany, Russia and Kazakhstan arrived in Uzbekistan to help street animals.

- They came at our invitation. The task of our guests, and their 29 highly qualified veterinarians, is to sterilize as many homeless animals as possible. In the shelter "Khayot" 300 dogs will become their patients. And the Mushukkent program initially included 200 cats, but it’s very good that this planned number increased, and as a result, 300 cats were sterilized at the MyVet clinic,” Iroda Matkarimova told Aktualno.uz correspondent.

It is noted that such a joint mission is already the fifth in a row in the territory of the countries of Central Asia.

We must be responsible for those we have tamed. The animal, as a member of the family, is chosen once and for all. It cannot be put out the door, removed from our lives for any reason, just as we do not get rid of our relatives and friends. I believe that two areas of animal protection must work for a sustainable result - laws and education of people, - commented Wilhelm Funke, founder of the Tierschutz Foundation.

Iroda Matkarimova also noted that this is a very important project for Uzbekistan, as it is a big step on the way, when the attitude towards both domestic and homeless animals can radically change in Uzbekistan.

- The motto of this joint project is "Love, protect, sterilize", and together with the practical help and work of the mission's veterinarians, they carry the idea of careful and responsible love for pets, - concluded Matkarimova.

The help to the four-legged did not end there. A big and humane gesture was made by the presenter and actress Luiza Rasulova, who not only brought a whole ton of dry food for shaggy pets to the shelter, but also treats for foreign guests.

To clarify, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation (FBB) was founded in 1986 by the famous French actress, animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot.

"I can not reconcile with the dominant treatment, cruelty, barbarism towards animals, which we see so often in life. I have been fighting against this for the last 47 years, including at the head of the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, which I founded in the 80s", - Brigitte Bardot said.

It should be noted that the problem of homeless animals in Uzbekistan is very acute, as stray animals usually become stray because of the irresponsibility of people. Being companions by nature, in the terrible and cruel conditions of the streets, four-legged animals do not withstand more than three years. If you're lucky.

The organizers hope that this project will help not only reduce the number of homeless animals, but also change the attitude of people in our society, when humanity and kindness become dominant in this difficult issue today.

In addition, foreign guests noted that their plans include visiting Uzbekistan next year, when they will sterilize more than 2,000 furry ones who find themselves in a difficult life situation, but who are lucky to find themselves in a loving new home - the Hayot shelter.