3 posts

Suture Material: All You Need To Know

Typically, when a junior surgical trainee is asked which suture you would use on the skin, the standard answer is whatever the boss prefers to use. This answer has two purposes – it maintains the status quo, but it also covers the fact that many are unaware of the suture materials. This basic overview should guide you.

What Is Hip Replacement Surgery? When Do You Need It?

If you experience an ailing hip, it becomes difficult and next to impossible o do things you love. Suppose you are struggling with hip pain or stiffness, which prevents you from performing any of the regular activities. In that case, you will realise that hip replacement has a profound impact on your life, relieving you from painful symptoms and increases your mobility as well as the ability to function around. However, for some people, conservative treatment works.

A Detailed Guide On C-section?

When you have childbirth, there are two ways to go about with it – caesarean and standard delivery. The C-section is the surgical delivery of the child. It involves one incision on the mother’s abdomen and the other in the uterus. It has become a standard procedure for delivering babies across the world. C-section deliveries are usually avoided before 39 weeks of pregnancy. So, the child gets proper time to develop in the womb.