October 15, 2020

Water disinfection

There are many ways to disinfect water. But our ancestors did not "bother" with the problem of water purification, as they used one method, proven for centuries - with the help of red rowan.

Water disinfection

As you know, mountain ash is rich in all kinds of trace elements, antibacterial and tannins, as well as essential oils. There are many vitamins in it, including vitamins P and C, provitamin A (carotene), and pectins, which suppress gas formation in the intestines, preventing excessive fermentation of carbohydrates.

See also online calculator - Water Chlorine Calculator.

But mountain ash is especially valuable in natural conditions, when it is required to quickly and effectively purify water that is not suitable for drinking. There is this plant and, thanks to the action of which the growth of microorganisms, fungi and molds is inhibited. It is no coincidence, after all, our great-grandfathers, when fermenting cabbage in barrels (or when soaking apples), always put a sprig of mountain ash, then the cabbage was stored for a very long time.

These properties of mountain ash were first adopted by hunters, who often replenished water supplies from rivers, ponds, and sometimes just from puddles. In a container with water, they put a sprig of red rowan with leaves and (preferably) berries. After a couple of hours, even the stalest water became drinkable, since the microbes were simply destroyed by the mountain ash.

Therefore, if you found a source of water on a hike, but doubt its suitability, do not be too lazy to look around for a red mountain ash tree. It grows, as a rule, everywhere, and it will not be difficult to find it in our climatic zone.

There are many ways to disinfect water. Also, water is disinfected: pine, juniper, fir, Siberian pine (cedar) - 15-20 grams of young broken twigs, per 1 liter of water, leave in a container for 10-12 or more hours, tannins will roll up dirt and get a sediment, and on top pure water.

Oak, beech, willow, willow and birch (birch bark) have a huge supply of tannins (both in the bark and in the wood itself) that destroy microbes, various fungi and most viruses.

For disinfection, do the same, 15-20 grams of plant bark per 1 liter, insist in warm water for 6-8 hours.