Technical articles on various topics - building construction, mathematics and physics.
127 posts

Electricity supply of the apartment

Overhaul is always associated with the need to replace the electrical wiring. This stage requires special attention and responsibility. It is important not only to provide housing with electricity, but also to make it safe. Short-circuits lead to fires, and electric shocks lead to detrimental health consequences. However, the installation of electrical wiring in the apartment can be done independently.

Choosing a hydraulic accumulator

Hydraulic accumulator are devices designed to maintain constant pressure in the water supply system. They prevent the pump being used from being switched on frequently.

Circulation pump

Most modern heating systems operate with circulation pumps. They are able to maintain a certain fluid pressure in the heating system. The main purpose of such equipment is to maintain a given pressure in the system, providing maximum heat supply to all structural elements. Due to the increased pressure indicator, all radiators in the room are freely supplied with a coolant. Sometimes, with complex design features of the heating system, several additional circulation pumps are used. With the correct setting of the equipment, it is not at all necessary to fulfill the requirements for the location of the heating boiler in the lowest part of the entire circuit.

Water heater

One of the main characteristics of a storage water heater is the volume of the internal tank. A preliminary calculation of water consumption will allow you to choose the model of the desired size. Let us warn you right away that this is not an easy task.

Levers in robotics

Very often in robotics and when creating models, one has to use the simplest mechanisms, without which humanity has not been able to do for millennia. Today we will consider the operation of the simplest mechanism: a lever. Probably not every adult knows that levers are of the 1 rd, 2 rd and 3 rd kind.

Water disinfection

There are many ways to disinfect water. But our ancestors did not "bother" with the problem of water purification, as they used one method, proven for centuries - with the help of red rowan.

Driving on a dirt road

Driving on country and dirt roads is uncomfortable, has a bad effect on the technical condition of the car, and has a number of features that must always be remembered.

Fuel economy

Fuel consumption is a relative value. Owners of the same car model leave different amounts at the gas station. To save money, you will have to reconsider some of your habits.