MW/WZ Spoofer
September 17, 2021

Solving problems with the shadow ban for some users

If you keep getting Shadow ban on your account after or during the first game when using the spoofer, you need to reset your Windows installation settings. You can use the Sysprep utility to solve this problem.

Launching the utility

The easiest way to run Sysprep is to use Win+R.

This gives you direct access to its startup file in the explorer.

In the main window of the utility select Generalize and go to the process by clicking OK.

The program will take a number of steps to transfer the system to the new user - cleaning the system log and temporary files, deleting restore points, resetting the SID, resetting the activation, etc. It will do its job and the computer will reboot.

Windows Setup

Once you have completed the utility, you will need to perform the standard Windows setup. You will also be prompted to create a new user, your original user will be available for use, you can return to it later after setup.

If the above solution did not help you or you have problems, you need to reinstall Windows, if necessary, you can create a new partition saving your working build.

You can select and download an official Windows build at :

For a stable operation of your system, it is required to install the Pro version, when installing Windows there may be a problem with the choice of edition, to solve this problem, use the instructions described on the website :

Functioning of the spoofer is guaranteed on condition that the account was not blocked earlier.

In this regard, it is strongly recommended to create a new account.