May 8


UpRock Project overview

The most sought-after ability of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is relevant in many fields, is to perfectly decipher and provide information.

The open source intelligence (OSINT) market is valued at $7.7 billion and it is growing rapidly. The closely related business intelligence (BI) and data API markets are also thriving, with revenues already exceeding $25 billion and $45 billion in 2023.

However, this potential is largely monopolized by large, centralized corporations, raising concerns about censorship, bias and lack of timeliness of data.

These companies hide their data sources, limit functionality and implement opaque moderation policies, all without adequate monetary compensation to the data providers. This approach goes against the very essence of Web3's decentralized concept.

Additionally, the operational challenges and extremely high costs of managing massive volumes of data and operating vast proxy networks add complexity and financial burden, making access to meaningful and accessible data APIs nearly unattainable for smaller companies and individuals.

UpRock acts as a solution to these challenges. It uses the principles of decentralization and Web3 technology to change the approach to the use of AI.

UpRock is a leader in democratizing advanced AI web crawling and data synthesis, a privilege previously only available to large corporations. By combining centralized AI with decentralized physical infrastructure, UpRock creates the foundation for unbiased, personalized AI data analysis in real time.

Users install the UpRock app on their mobile devices and turn them into nodes on the network that collect data.
Users are rewarded with $UPT tokens for providing personal computing resources and Internet traffic, thus sharing their unused Internet bandwidth. This creates a powerful network for collecting relevant information, providing clients with personalized and unbiased insights.

More details about the technological basis of the project:

The AI ​​Insight Exchange (AIX) dashboard is central to UpRock's innovations, providing users with a personal AI-powered web crawler.

This changes decision-making processes (analysis and processing of incoming information) and work processes (making informed decisions based on received data) both for private consumers and for many organizations.

The core of the control panel (AIX) is the knowledge acquisition layer (KAL), supported by a network of real-world devices (computers and smartphones). Users share bandwidth and computing resources in exchange for $UPT tokens, creating a sustainable, large-scale, community-driven ecosystem.

Through the same application, some users participate in demand for network resources, while others create supply by sharing their unused resources and receiving AI as a service (IaaS) analytics through the AIX control panel.

AI Insights-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a model in which AI-powered insights are offered as a service to customers. This allows companies to use sophisticated machine learning algorithms and big data to extract useful information and patterns without investing in building their own AI infrastructure. Services may include consumer behavior analysis, forecasting market trends, risk management and business process optimization.

By simply installing the UpRock app, each user's mobile device becomes an important node in the decentralized physical infrastructure for AI. This approach is important for go-to-market strategy because it attracts a lot of attention from users who want to use their device and earn money by participating in such a peer-to-peer network. Based on the founders' experience in creating large-scale mobile platforms, UpRock is poised to become an important player in this market.

The target audience

UpRock provides significant capabilities to a wide range of organizations, including: creators, brands, non-profits, corporations, and even governments. It's not about consuming information, it's about having a personalized, targeted web-based AI advisor.
UpRock is an important infrastructure project that will help many services and applications integrate AI into their own products.

Charging AI with DePIN technologies:

DePin is a system that uses blockchain to manage and maintain decentralized networks of physical devices such as mobile phones, sensors, and wireless infrastructure. This allows for decentralized infrastructure management with an emphasis on transparency and security​.

  1. Data available to everyone thanks to a peer-to-peer network: the unique mobile-centric DePIN network solves the AI ​​problem with access to real-time data.
  2. Data Art: The Open Data Core Layer (KAL), turning the Internet into an open database for AI.
  3. Democratizing Access: Reimagining the global data marketplace with easy access through intuitive AI and API dashboards.

The application is at maximum readiness, deployed on the Solana blockchain and is already an important part of its DePin ecosystem.

UpRock is a next-generation platform that uses blockchain and AI technologies for decentralized collection and analysis of data from the Internet. UpRock is building an infrastructure that allows all interested individuals and small organizations to have access to AI-powered data analytics.


An experienced team that has been working together for 15 years. Previously, the same team released 3 successful projects. They have extensive experience in creating mobile platforms and are experts in the field of privacy and data security. Their most famous project is, the first fully encrypted mobile VPN browser.

Key team members:

  • Jesse Adams — co-founder and CEO.
    Co-founder of BitBase: a leading node validator and infrastructure provider. Former co-founder of Tenta, a browser acquired by Avast in 2019, where he eventually became Chief Product Officer. Co-founder of MiKandi: the most popular application store (more than 15 million users), which was successfully sold in 2019.
  • Christoper O’Connell — co-founder and CTO.
    Responsible for the AI ​​and network architecture of the project. Co-founder of BitBase. Long-time business partner Jesse Adams - former co-founder of Tenta and MiKandi.
  • Jen McEwen — Chief Operating Officer.
    Co-founder of BitBase. Long-time business partner Jesse Adams - former co-founder of Tenta and MiKandi.
  • Tufan Yildirim — Chief Engineer.
    More than 3 years of experience as a senior software engineer at Avast mobile browser. Previously led development and operations (DevOps), as well as backend development at Tenta Browser and MiKandi for over 5 years. Before that, he worked as a technical manager at the Turkish company Bilişim & İnovasyon, developing innovative projects for various institutions.
  • Rasim (Raz) Üner — Director of Development and Business Development.
    Founder of Ticket Finance (Web3 fundraising company). Founder of the video platform More than 10 years in business development and marketing.c


Fundamental venture funds well known in the industry:

  • UpRock's lead investor was Borderless Capital, a large investment fund specializing in the development and investment in projects related to blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. The most famous projects from their portfolio: FileCoin, Kraken, Polkadot, Polygon, Raydium, LayerZero.
  • Blockchain Founders Fund — a well-known Singaporean venture fund that specializes in investing in Web3 companies that plan to use blockchain technology in the real world. Supports early-stage startups with hands-on support through its “intensive go-to-market program.” They help projects develop a strategy for entering the market, studying competing companies, attracting clients and growing the company. We recently invested together with InsiderClub in the Tanssi and Umoja projects.
  • Another noteworthy large company — Draper Dragon:
    An influential transnational venture fund in the world of traditional finance, connecting Silicon Valley and Asia. Founded almost 20 years ago by the legendary American venture capitalist billionaire Tim Draper and a group of Chinese investors. The success of Skype, which has gained worldwide recognition, also made Tim Draper, its main investor, famous.
    Draper Dragon has offices in Silicon Valley, Toronto, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangalore. The fund looks for early-stage companies in a variety of industries, including Web3. Draper Dragon has invested in many of Asia's well-known technology unicorns with billion-dollar capitalization, such as Yeepay, Microport Medical, Otter, Jing Jin Electric and others. Among crypto startups, his most famous investment is Ledger: a manufacturer of Web3 hardware wallets and applications for them.

Token utility

The $UPT token serves as the internal currency for transactions and interactions within the platform. $UPT incentivizes users to contribute internet bandwidth and computing power to their devices.

Additional use of the token is implemented for:

  • DeFi Integrations: Facilitating the use of the token in lending, borrowing and farming, creating more use cases and thus increasing demand for $UPT.
  • NFT Ecosystems: Using the token for NFT transactions such as buying, selling or minting, capitalizing on the growing interest in NFTs.
  • AI development: development and integration of AI agents—AI-based digital workers who can solve problems without human intervention. For example, set tasks for analyzing AI data yourself or engage in automated trading. These tasks can be paid for or completed using the $UPT token. AI agents using the UpRock network will create additional demand for the token.


  • Token ticker: $UPT
  • Network: Solana
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000
  • TGE: May 23rd 2024 г.
  • One round for all investors.
  • Token price: $0.04 ($40m round estimate)
  • Conditions: 0% unlock on TGE, cliff for 6 months, then linear unlock for 12 months.

Important: the maximum vesting is indicated. Deadlines may be reduced!

A feature of tokenomics is that unlocks depend on the price of the token. The higher the token price, the smaller the cliff will become. If the token price after TGE is high, then the cliff is reduced to the minimum (1 month).
Unlock distribution:

  • 20% of tokens when the price reaches $0.25
  • 20% of tokens when the price reaches $0.40
  • 20% of tokens when the price reaches $0.60
  • 20% of tokens when the price reaches $0.80

Full unlock at a price of $1.00 or more.
We will be able to get tokens faster by immediately selling them at a favorable price.

Public round: price $0.15

The IDO will take place on Jupiter, the main DEX exchange of the Solana network and its leading launchpad.

Social networks, links

🌐 Website:

📁 Documents:

💻 Github:

💻 Telegram:

🐦 Twitter/X:

💻 Discord:

💻 Youtube:

💻 Instagram:

They use marketing tools well for promotion.
A well-known project in the crypto community: 285k subscribers on Twitter/X, 153k users on Telegram, 97k on Discord.

A strong project in the promising and popular areas of AI and DePin. An experienced team that has worked together for a long time and has released several good working products. Powerful investors, high stage of project readiness. Active communication with the audience, a large community, a well-known project in its niche. Good vesting conditions. We definitely recommend adding this promising and potentially top project to your crypto portfolio.

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