October 13, 2020

Financial Literacy in USA

The Content

1. Overview

  • Securities: stocks, bonds, mutual funds
  • Stock Exchange
  • Stock Brokers
  • Financial Advisors
  • Life Insurance: Term Life, Permanent Life
  • Life Insurance Agents
  • Retirement plans: IRA, Roth, 401k
  • Credit history, Credit score
  • Car loans, refi
  • Mortgage, refi

2. Securities I

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Stock Exchange
  • Dividends

3. Securities II

  • Mutual Funds vs ETF
  • Stock Index
  • Taxes: long-term vs short-term capital gains

4. Brokerage firms

  • Individual vs Joint account
  • Beneficiaries
  • Transaction Fees
  • NTF Funds
  • Closing/Transfer out Fees
  • Robo-advisors
  • FDIC vs SPIC

5. Emergency Fund

  • Saving accounts, CD
  • Fed rate
  • Money Market Fund
  • Bonds: Government, Corporate
  • Muni: Taxes, Dividends
  • Gold

5. Retirement plans I

  • IRA vs Roth
  • 401k, Roth 401k
  • HSA

6. Portfolio Creation I

  • Risk Tolerance
  • Investment Horizon
  • Two Fund Portfolio
  • Three Fund Portfolio
  • Mutual Funds vs ETF
  • DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging)

7. Retirement plans II

  • Withdrawals from IRA/Roth
  • Rollovers, reverse rollovers
  • Roth Conversion
  • 401k Termination
  • 55-year rule
  • 72t rule

8. Tax Optimizations

  • Taxable account vs Roth
  • Roth IRA Conversion Ladder
  • Tax Loss Harvesting
  • Tax Gains Harvesting
  • Backdoor
  • Mega Backdoor

9. Portfolio Creation II

  • All-Weather portfolio
  • Mid-cap, Small-cap
  • International
  • Dividend-funds
  • Long-term bonds
  • 4% rule

10. Credit System

  • Credit History
  • Credit Score
  • (Secured) Credit Cards
  • Loans
  • Mortgage
  • Refi

11. Social Security

  • SSA
  • RMD
  • CPI

12. Life Insurance

  • Term Life
  • Permanent Life: Whole Life, IUL, VUL
  • Annuity

13. Savings for Kids

  • Kid Roth IRA
  • 529
  • UTMA
  • Life Insurance

14. Business

  • solo-401k
  • Self-Directed IRAs

15. Real Estate

  • 250/500 Tax Exempt
  • Depreciation
  • 1035 Exchange
  • Step-up in Basis
  • Loans

16. Portfolio Creation III

  • All-in-one Funds
  • Target Date Funds
  • Robo-advising

17. Financial Advisors

  • Licenses
  • Fiduciary Duties
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Life Insurance Agents
  • Compensation Structure
  • MLM-Financial Companies