October 19, 2023

Athena's Whisper Bot (instruction)

@MangoFreshBot - your tool for finding and analyzing crypto projects right in Telegram!

The bot is designed to make it easier for surfers to work and not sit for hours
on X to find new projects to make money on.
Of course, regular cryptans can use it too!

What does the bot do?

The full functionality of the bot as of 10/13/2023:
- tracking the latest Influencer followings, notification of new ones - smart filter out most of the uninteresting followings - own categories for each Influencer - notifications about multiple followings

What's in the plans?

- tweetscore by tweetscout.io - reputation system to understand the usefulness of an Influencer - recommendation system - notifications about new posts, likes and replies of influencer or project

How to get access?

Yes, access used to be free when the tool was in development. Now it is actively functioning and pleasing users.

You can gain access through paying a subscription ($10/month as of 5/20/23), this way you will provide more development support and the opportunity to add new features.

Payment Instructions:

  1. You send $10 on the ETH/BSC chain to wallet 0xCbE70A20196f6C289f74d556217513BbC6B302c9
    Or for SOL to wallet F7wvLC9it6yPa78HmaKsfGcNtJALww8LFx95QNiajSLu
  2. Throw the link to the transaction in the Telegram dm @invicrypt
  3. PROFIT!!!

How to use?

After purchasing access, when we repeat /start we are welcomed by a bot with a simple description of what to do.

Although I have created /help in the bot, but it is not clear to everyone, so the commands will be analyzed separately:

/add eth handler - add influencer. The word eth is the category, handler is the username of the influencer from the X.
EXAMPLE: /add eth invicrypt
You can add multiple influencers at once.
EXAMPLE: /add eth invicrypt NonFungies nftboi_

/del handler - remove influencer.
EXAMPLE: /del invicrypt
You can delete several at once.
EXAMPLE: /del invicrypt NonFungies nftboi_

/my - see your list of influencers, nothing more.

/smart - enables/disables the smart filter. By default it is off. The smart filters out uninteresting followings. Below is an example-comparison.

  1. UNINTERESTING FOLLOWING. Lots of posts and lots of followings ones.
because with my bot, you'll know about this project much sooner before it becomes uninteresting

In "followings" people <60, posts <120 (early project)

How it works?

Every 15 minutes the list is updated. Sends a notification like this:

With hashtags, you can easily see all followings by category/influencer and, for example, clean up the unnecessary ones.

Update from 19.05

- Remade bot from scratch to be more stable for future scales.

- New/modified commands: /delall - delete all influencers /delc category - delete all influencers of the category /my - more convenient output taking into account categories /ref - get referral link /lang - change language (from Russian to English and vice versa)

- Referral program: use the link to invite new users. After the user pays for the subscription, the referral will be credited to you! 2 active referrals = free use of the bot.