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2 posts

The book that I dare guarantee 100% must be cool!

Hello friends, in this article I want to give you recommendations to read the material or book that I dare guarantee 100% (without exception) it must be cool for you to read. This might sound rather silly, but I'm really serious and not playing with the word "definitely cool". This means that I have really chosen carefully that recommendations for books below are "the best of the best" of each genre. For those of you who feel that you are quite often reading books, it can be a collection of books and authors below rarely or never even cross your ears. Penerbit AlQuran

Hemen Okunması Gereken 10 Kitap

Kur'an'ın ilk ayeti, "okuma" anlamına gelir. Okuma düzeni olan ilk vahiyin güzelliği nedir? Kazanmak Okuma alışkanlığı daha da zihnin ufkunu geliştirir ve dünyayı ve soyutlarını edinilen bilgilerle düşünebiliriz. İşte bilgi aramak için 3 nedenden oluşur.