November 5, 2020

Case Study: ROI 40% on Push-Notifications, Norton antivirus, and the USA

Case studies on tier-1 countries always attract attention. We couldn’t pass by this fact, so that’s why we share the story of an advertiser who launches the traffic on Norton antivirus in the USA and Canada. In less than a month he earned 105 260 rubles (about $1350). How it was? We give him a floor.

Offer: Norton AV
Time period: 30.08-20.09
Source: Kadam (Push Ads)
Affiliate Program: Zeydoo
Payout: 32-80$
Spent: 267 892 RUB (about $3400)
Earned: 373 152 RUB (about $4750)
ROI: 39.29 %

Hey. I started to test this offer in April of this year (in another affiliate program). At that time I worked with India, using a pretty aggressive prelanding page. The results were good, but after a while, the advertiser said I can’t use this type of prelanding page anymore. There was no sense to continue working with India because results immediately went down without an aggressive prelanding page.

For a long period of time, I was looking for a program where I could work with my previous method. The answer was approximately the same everywhere: “You can’t use this type of prelanding page”. Long searches brought me to Zeydoo. They offered me to launch the traffic on the offer without a prelanding page on the TOP GEOs: USA, Canada, the UK.

I tested all the GEOs on the Pops and Push ads. I decided to turn off the Pops almost immediately after spending 1,5 offer’s payout because of the bad results. Also, I left behind the UK GEO.


There is nothing hard here. Marked PC, all Windows versions, all subscription ages, all browsers, the browser language is English.


The initial results were good. All I had to do was to check creatives. After a month I noticed a slump in the results. What did I do? I collected a while-list of placements and continued to work with them only. In my experience, there is no point in optimizing the ages of subscriptions. All of them show decent results.


According to practice the creatives like “buy now”, “update today”, “your special price of $19.99” show the best results in the USA. In India I used the “scare” approach like “your license is expiring”, “there is a threat on your PC”. This approach didn’t work in the USA at all.

Examples of creatives:

Landing Page:


The results are good. You can and should work with this offer. As for advertising campaigns: I don’t recommend disabling them at the very start after spending 1,5-2 offer’s payout with 0 conversions. The reason is simple: there is a special feature in the offer. The person who buys the product can choose a more expensive offer on the landing page (VPN, Norton Deluxe etc.). The payouts there are much bigger: $80 instead of $32 for the cheapest antivirus. What about GEO: results for Canada were lower than for the USA, but with the right approach you can get a positive ROI.

Launch your own new ad campaign with

Another case study shows that Push-notifications are more alive than all living and still bring a positive ROI.

Here are some good examples of working with Push-notifications:

  1. Brazil, finances, $2755 of Profit
  2. Africa, cryptocurrencies, $1235 of Profit

Want to share an interesting case study (even if it’s anti-case study)? Write to your personal manager and we will buy it!

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