How to Download Historical Twitter Data ?

Download historical Twitter data of any hashtag or account. You can gain access to historical Twitter data for any search for any duration and to the Twitter archives of any public Twitter account. It helps to measure the impact of your Twitter campaign, competitor's social media marketing strategy and helps to find the top influencers related to a hashtag campaign which can support to increase engagement rate. Visit :

How to Get Twitter Dataset for Research or sentiment analysis?

Get Twitter dataset for sentiment analysis of any hashtag or mention consists of raw tweets and meta data along with a sharable online analytical dashboard with various useful metrics and insights. Twitter dataset contain tweet text exactly as posted on twitter along with metrics. Visit Trackmyhashtag website to contact the team to ask for any kind of data on their live chat or mail at

How to use Twitter Analytics?

Twitter has Evolved. It was introduced as a social media platform, but today, it has progressed into a marketing giant that was unprecedented in the history of social media.