# idea
January 3, 2022

A few days of fun in Illustrator

Honestly, I'm not a graphic designer. I'm really far away from it. But for the last couple of days, I had a particularly creative mood to do something in Illustrator. So you won't see any works of art here, just fruits of my fun pastime in Illustrator.

This drawing is just for fun too.

A story from 9 years ago

In my last year of high school, I, like everyone else, had to choose where to move on. I have always had a good way with written and spoken words. When I read poetry or performed in the literature lesson, my teacher was always so impressed that she somehow forgot all my punctuation mistakes and even gave me a high annual grade. Although my essays were not very competent at first (but I soon fixed that), they were interesting, unusual, and beautiful in a special way. So I chose journalism.

But only a few people know I was one step away from attending a design university. There were few options, so the interior design would work well for me. By the way, I was very good at creating and furnishing houses in The Sims πŸ˜…

This story did not last long. It all ended at the stage of preparation for the entrance drawing exam. I couldn't draw. I mean at all. My 5-year-old sister drew better. And there was such a strange drawing method in the preparatory course. I had to keep my hand in a very unusual position, leaning on my little finger, because it was constantly numb. Oh, my poor, poor pinky. How do people draw like that? I could not stand this torture and became a journalist.

But the desire to create something beautiful has not gone anywhere. And now, almost ten years later, I am trying to draw something again, but with the help of modern tools and without the numb little finger (now my index finger suffers from the touchpad πŸ€—).

Series of illustrations "Finnish winter"

The snow outside the window gave me an idea – to draw some pictures about Finland in winter. I started from the basics. Trees, flat apartment buildings, snow, and sky.

The next one is my favorite.

While the little fox is distracted for a second by the northern lights, the bunny quietly runs away into the forest.

I live in Helsinki, so these views also describe the Finnish winter for me. Cold and warm at the same time. As deceptive as in real life. I'm constantly fooled by this and then suffer from the cold. Well, at least the bird is fine.

Don't take it seriously. Or do so. Maybe it all will just stay here. Maybe my husband will sell it all and take me somewhere warm. Hah-hah 😁

Stay warm!