# design
January 13, 2022

Visual concept for one Finnish bitcoin trading company

I want to share with you the result of my work on a test assignment for the position of Visual Designer in one bitcoin trading company.

Though they decided to continue with another candidate, I really felt a good connection with these people, and I'm happy, that they found someone, who could help them to become even more successful. As for me, I got a very good experience, and even something nice to show you. So, let's take a look at this.

The task I had

Create a mood board about how I see their company outlook in 2022, as they are about to a complete brand refresh. And also to create one visual for ad or social media post.

The things I saw

from their website and Instagram

The things I did

Some images are from Unsplash and the company's Instagram
Photos from their Instagram page

Of course, I couldn't do just one visual. I had to do a few ones to work out the style, to test it.

Thoughts and decisions

A little about my thought process while working on this assignment.

At the very beginning, I went through all that I could find about this company online. Then I took a look at the visual part of other successful companies working in the same field. Also, I checked how they looked like a few years ago before their brand refreshed. And I noticed that all of them moved on with a more fresh, bright, and modern outlook. This just confirmed my assumption about how LocalBitcoins could look.

I updated the color palette a little bit. I just refreshed colors to make them brighter. I think bright, fresh colors evoke friendly, positive emotions.

I could go the standard way, creating a mood board from the pictures I found on the Internet. But this is not about me. It is the same thing when I don't use Lorum Ipsum in my design, I write it by myself.

To define the style, I started from the main page of the website. As for me, this is the beginning of all beginnings ๐Ÿ˜… I tried to refresh it, make it brighter, simpler, and add more air. I also changed the search field. I tried to make it more friendly and easier to use. I didn't go deep into UX, my approach was more visual.

I also noticed that info about mobile app takes a lot of space. Unfortunately, when I closed this info, it disappeared and never returned, so you can check it at the top of their website if it's still there. I tried to fix it and make it smaller to save space. As an idea, it can be performed this way: the user clicks on the link, then the QR code is shown, that depending on the type of device opens the right store already on the user's device.

Then I continue with social media. I know, that I could do only one visual for some ad or post, but I just couldnโ€™t do only one. I wanted to put my design in context, to be sure that it will work. So now you can see how the Instagram page may look like. Also, I sketched one idea for a visual for YouTube. It's quite raw, but for now, so be it. Already at the stage of ideas, I wanted to see some consistency of all elements. And the style I choose can be easily repeated everywhere. And it's modern, cool, and simple ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Here I had the opportunity to use my copywriting skills as well, which I enjoyed a lot. Also, I had a few suggestions from the perspective of a customer support manager but I won't reveal all the secrets ๐Ÿ˜‡

Thank you for your time. And I wish the best of luck to LocalBitcoins in their journey! ๐Ÿ’™