11 posts

How do you make money in New World?

Want to know the best way of making money in New World? Gold in any MMORPG is the ultimate currency. How to farm it and how to maximize profits has always been the name of the game. New World is no different. Having enough money is essential in all multiplayer games because you can purchase new gear, upgrades, and other beneficial stuff. You become stronger and can progress much easier.

How we can make more WoW TBC gold with Mooncloth

World of Warcraft is always exciting at the very start of a new expansion when everything feels fresh. That means that for many players WoW TBC Classic Phase 1 is likely to be the most important one because this is when you start leveling up your characters and start experiencing the new content that awaits you beyond the Dark Portal. Similarly, Phase 1 is also when you should ideally start thinking about how to make gold for the coveted epic flying mount and various expensive items you're going to need once you start raiding.

Aion Classic coming to the North America server

It's been a short trip from "this is a thing that's going to happen" to "this thing is happening right now", but here we are. Aion Classic launched for global audiences. This is an opportunity for those who enjoyed Aion back in the day but aren't so fond of the current version, as well as those who missed out the first time around to get in and try things out. That, and there are likely to be some folks who weren't around for the first time because, as was pointed out to us by Lead Producer Mike Treffler during a brief overview of Classic last week, XP was the most up to date version of Windows at the time of launch.

Episode Five of Guild Wars 2’s The Icebrood Saga is called Power and launches January 19

With a new year comes new content and the second instalment in Chapter 5 of The Icebrood Saga comes to Tyria. Since Episode 1 launched back in November 2020, Guild Wars 2 players have been following the warfront as they trudge deeper and deeper into a new terror. Ominously, an apocalypse is threatening to tear the land apart. As to what’s available, you’ll have access to four new Dragon Response Missions in Thunderhead Peaks, Fields of Ruin, Lake Doric, and Snowden Drifts. Optional challenge modifiers are available for these, allowing you to scale the difficulty to your level – or max it out to earn powerful loot.

Guild Wars 1 "could last forever"

The original Guild Wars came out in 2005. By MMO standards, it's ancient. Two developers took it upon themselves to keep the game alive, and in the process figured out how to make it better than it had been before. Preserving old games is a huge challenge in 2018, the year of the endless media avalanche. Doing so for massively multiplayer games whose best days are long behind them, though? That’s an entirely different sort of undertaking—less of an autopsy and more of a series of emergency surgeries on an elderly patient.

You need to know the Tips and Tricks for ArcheAge: Unchained

If you're looking forward to jumping into ArcheAge: Unchained which players simply need to purchase the game and they can play as much as they want! But you're not sure where to start, then we have you covered, mmosky as a professional archeage store would like to share some tips and tricks with you.

Classic WoW: Get to know the similarities and differences between Dungeons & Raids

As far as I know, the players of Classic WoW are mostly old players. Today mmosky.com would like to share the Classic World of Warcraft endgame. I hope to provide some help to new players.

The Elder Scrolls Online: the Dark Heart of Skyrim Adventure is heading in February

Are you an Elder Scrolls Online player who expects for the snowy peaks of Skyrim? Then you are in luck. The Elder Scrolls Online has grown from yet another online game that struggled to find its footing to a satisfying in nearly six years of activity. The one ESO adventure is called The Dark Heart of Skyrim and takes place in the famed Tamriel province. Something evil is going on in Blackreach and, as usual, adventurers are called to arms. Just as the Season of the Dragon ended, a new adventure begins. Clear your schedule and be on the lookout for a new DLC coming in February.