October 28, 2020


counterintuitive / more polished / when there is a decent / highly glanceable /

Connecting words

consequntly, as a result, therefore, thus - это болееформальное выражение So

Correct. "In spite of" is followed by a noun, not a verb clause. You can also use the –ing form of the verb in these sentences: " In spite of preparing ..."

Never start a sentence with But.

You can ONLY start a sentence with Because if there are two clauses in the sentence.

Both, either, neither

Either means one or the other.

Both is often used with ‘of’. But you must always use a determiner (the, my, these, those, his etc) before the noun.

You can use both ... and ...; neither ... nor ..., and either ... or

3 conditional

However, neither event a nor event b happened. Therefore the third conditional describes hypothetical, imaginary situations.

The third conditional is often used to criticise: Or regret

Embded questions

I wonder ____ he’s moved house yet.

whether Correct. If a question does not have a question word (Where, What, Why etc.) use if or whether before the question.