July 5, 2022

What is WEB 3?

At the moment, there is no specific established meaning of what WEB 3 is. But in order for us to figure out what it is and why the crypt is important here. I propose to analyze all stages of the development of the WEB. We are currently on WEB 2.

WEB 1.0 (1991 - 2004)

Web 1.0 as such a concept appeared only after Web 2.0 appeared. Therefore, everything that was before Web 2.0 was marked as Web 1.0.

Web 1.0. will also be commemorated as a read-only. Since at that time there were no logins, editing, authorizations and other things. That is, the user could only go to the site to read the content and exit. In addition, the sites were concentrated in the hands of the owners, that is, you could only get what you were served. This can be compared to a huge library where you can take a read - close it and that's it.

WEB 2.0 (2004 - now)

The emergence of the concept of Web 2.0 is usually associated with Tim O'Reilly's article "What is Web 2.0?" dated 30.09.2005. In this article, the author has linked a large number of sites united by common principles with the general trend of the development of the Internet.

One of the breakthrough differences of Web 2.0 was the advent of social networks. Social networks allowed posting content not only to webmasters and site owners, but also to ordinary users. We started creating YouTube and Instagram accounts and posting content there. We started registering accounts, making purchases, thereby indicating bank details. We make millions of requests to Google for confidential information.

In turn, the owners use the information left for their own purposes for advertising statistics and further promotion. Therefore, the era of Web 2.0 has been called targeted advertising and a lack of privacy.

Thoughts on Web 3.0 came about because of the shortcomings and problems of Web 2.0. Namely: since the architecture of Web 1.0, the client-server architecture has been preserved. In this case, your request may be rejected or your publication may be blocked for non-compliance with the established rules by the owner himself. Another problem is the collection and storage of sensitive data, since they are located on centralized servers, they can easily be hacked or sold to another company that uses it for its own purposes.

WEB 3.0

Web 3.0 is taking shape right now. Roughly speaking, this is a new stage of the Internet, which is likely to use blockchain technology and other tools like DAO. It is not yet clear whether this will be blockchain technology, as we are at too early a stage of formation to say anything.

It is also worth noting that Web 3.0 goes far beyond and fully penetrates the real world. This is an attempt to change the financial system and the principles of interaction between people.

Features of Web 3.0 that are already known to us. First, Web 3.0 will not live on centralized servers that belong to specific people or companies. It will be a distributed database, which will be stored on special nodes, while everyone can become the owner of the node. At the same time, not one company will be able to delete the content, because the database will be stored by thousands of users.

Secondly, applications will turn into decentralized applications. That is, they will be managed by the DAO, without the CEO and directors' advice, which will be managed by the community. And the rules will be set by the community as well.

Thirdly, all your content, that is, photos or videos, articles will be tokenized. This does not mean that they will be sold, but simply that this article or photo belongs to you.

Fourth, Web 3.0 will have an updated identity. This will allow you to browse the pages, download, buy something without identification.

Also in web 3.0 it becomes possible to spread the metauniverses and make them fully functional. Complementing with VR and AR technologies, this gives a very strong boost to launch really good metaverses.

The transition to Web 3.0 is a very long and difficult journey. Since it is necessary to revise the entire stack of technologies, to rework the principles on which the whole world works. Users need time to switch to daps.