5 posts

What is NFT?

In general, this is my least favorite topic so far, since I am a grandfather and do not always understand how a jpeg can cost hundreds of thousands of bucks. But still, I was deepened into this topic and in this article we will analyze it.

What is ICO?

Quite often, everyone discusses investing in cryptocurrency. Can buy $Bitcoin now or better to wait, they will give it lower. Then I'll sell it at a higher price, somewhere five times higher than I bought - I'm a genius. Yes, it is a true investment, for the long haul. But did you know that you can also invest at those stages when the project does not even have a coin, maybe nothing, just an idea.

What is DeFi?

An ordinary user of the Binance exchange or a beginner may not even know about the existence of DeFi. But this is a very important component of the whole crypt that you need to know and be able to use.

What is WEB 3?

At the moment, there is no specific established meaning of what WEB 3 is. But in order for us to figure out what it is and why the crypt is important here. I propose to analyze all stages of the development of the WEB. We are currently on WEB 2.

What is crypto?

Very often I hear whether it is worth buying $BTC at the current price and how best to do it. Most often, these are people not from the crypto, of course, people from the sphere usually do not have such questions. But I think that it is best to understand the area where you invest and know the base. Therefore, let's start with what is the same crypt.