Today we and our teacher went to the tour. We need to learn the text and say to the public. Also we visited Burger King and Teremok. We knew that you can drink everything you want in Burger King. After that my parents presented me a roller coaster.
Today we had a geography test. Also on the ceramic lesson I started to do a miner. He will have a picker. I learned a little English verse.
Today we had a interesting task. We needed to write a text like in 17 century. We chose a character (king, craftsman, slave, peasant) and described him. I chose a craftsman. Our teacher said that I wrote a brilliant text.
Today was our friend birthday. He invited us to his party. We bought for him a book, a conundrum and a " skateboard maker". We played laser tag. After that we ate pizzas and went home.
Today I and my old brother went to ceramic's lesson. I need to paint my mask.Also I and my another brother went for a walk for half of a day. I took a ripstik, he took roller -skaters.
Today after lessons we had a party. We ate pancakes and sweets, play games and did Quizzes. We got presents for girls.
Today I and my dad went to the bicycle shop. We wanted what master fixes some parts of it. Also we gave presents for our teachers. Tomorrow we will have a party.
Today our friend invited us on his birthday party. Also we as usual did our homework and everyone in our class forgot to do it. Our teacher organized a party on Saturday. We will celebrate a Women's day, Maslenica and people, who was born in winter.
Today our team won. Also tomorrow will be the "Math competence". All students of our school will write it.