July 8, 2020


Space is a very mysterious place. There you can find everything and nothing at the same time. Because no one knows what exactly is there. So several people think that humanity don't waste it resources exploring the universe. While others believe that man kind must explore the universe where we living.

First of all human not yet understood his surroundings on earth. For example he even didn't explore nature places such as Amazon or some mountain where people can't stay around a 4 days. Secondly our technology doesn't upgrade for needed level. Because we don't even understand how working Artificial Intelligence. Finally satellites and space probes, exploring the near space, made it possible to make many discoveries. But not a single probe has found traces of life outside the Earth.

On the other hand, a universe discovering for humanity large ability. Firstly man kind can unlock knowledge which it didn't found on the Earth. For example society never thought that our planet has a shape of sphere. Nevertheless Yuri Gagarin proved people this fact in 1961. Another plus is a new resources which lacks on tne Earth. A chondritic asteroid with a diameter of only 7 m can contain 100 tons of water. Another example is metals. A 24 m metal asteroid can contain 33,000 tons of usable metal.

To considered all thing which was mention, I think that humanity must explore vast expanses of the universe for making bright future for all man kind

In conclusion, I described both sides and expressed my personal opinion about this information.