June 16, 2020


Some people purpose, if a person has not been to a country wherein he wants to learn a language, he will never know it.

Learning a new language is very difficult. For faster education, people do their favorite things, but in another language. For example see TV series, read interesting book, listen favourite music and sometimes speak with other people on several language. if a person is configured with a smile and with the understanding that he needs to learn this language, then everything will be easy, but if he gives lectures that are not interesting to him, then he will never learn this language

But all these advantages fade due to the fact, that they were not in this country and do not understand their culture. Every societies in other countries thinking different. So without understanding his mind, you never grasp his language. For example we have two different countries, such as UK and USA. Both of them speak on same language, nevertheless meaning of speech different.

In my opinion if you have opportunity to travel, you should meet country which language you want to teach. But without possiblity you can also go to the tutor or speak with people from other country in social media. I think it is the best solution for solving this problem.