June 23, 2020


Nowadays most people to promote and improve product consumption. For the sake of these goals, people use obscene things in advertising.

Firstly, it’s impossible to refuse to view ads, so I think it’s not worth using such dishonest actions. In addition advertising negatively affects the consciousness and subconscious of a person. Secondly, small manufacturers are not able to provide their products with advertising support comparable to that of large corporations. Often there are even allegations that the task of advertising activity of corporations is not to increase their own sales, but to create an “advertising barrier” that prevents new players from appearing on the market. Thirdly blurb overestimates the demand for goods, and after this allows you to increase prices. A good example is the situation with falling prices for cars or computers. Finally, a constant increase in advertising leads to a decrease in the use of the antagonistic method of promotion - the method of personal sales.

I understand their goals and see how they try to improve their product in any way, thanks to which they come to success. But such actions cause a new generation of problems in the psyche and mania for these companies. Nevertheless many companies grew not only from bad advertising. There are many perfect company like Google, Adidas, Nike. So I think that manufacturer shouldn't use suggestive advertisement.

I understand their goals and see how they try to improve their product in any way, thanks to which they come to success. But such actions cause a new generation of problems in the psyche and mania for these companies. Nevertheless many companies grew not only from bad advertising. There are many perfect company like Google, Adidas, Nike. So I think that manufacturer shouldn't use suggestive advertisement.