June 18, 2020

Countryside or cities

Some people believe that living for children in the city better than in countryside, but several think that living in the countryside more suitable.

Growing in cities is better for children because this place have a lot of opportunities, for example they can use information from internet or go to the science's places such as museum, sections or circles. However in cities kids unfortunately became more lazy than children in a countryside. They get water, food, clothes easier, because of this reason babies don't know the price of what they have. Nevertheless, in cities very high education, so people can easily became the person that they want, for example nanotechnologist, IT specialist etc.

Also countryside have own advantages such as more moving than simple people. In my own experience I every summer go to the countryside and live there untill starting a school, so I saw that my peers played hide and seek, while I forgot the existence of these games. If you want to achieve normal income and not to be like Bill Gates, you can educate in simple school from a countryside for good marks, because of this reason you can go to the any jobs that you want. Nevertheless people in village have a low salary or sometimes it hasn't. So they can't help material source for a children. Them very hard to travel even on a simple city or among other countryside

In conclusion, I think every place have own advantages and disadvantages, this choice doesn't matter in our life.