SaveYoutubeBot - крупнейший в рунете Telegram-бот по взаимодействию с Youtube. Даем инструменты поиска YouTube, подписки на каналы, скачивание видео и аудио через Telegram.
Мы провели анализ нашей аудитории, чтобы иметь более точное представление о людях, для которых мы и вы работаем.
If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and is accessible on this site, you may notify our copyright agent, as set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). For your complaint to be valid under the DMCA, you must provide the following information when providing notice of the claimed copyright infringement:
Please review these terms and conditions of use carefully before using our Telegram Bot, including, without limitation, the following Telegram Bots:
a. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. You may not infringe the copyright, trademark or other proprietary informational rights of any party. We may in our sole discretion remove any Content we have reason to believe violates any of the intellectual property rights of others and may terminate your use of the Bot if you submit any such Content.