August 2, 2020


Run a server where you have turned of the login/logoff messages but your players would like to know when their friends are online?
Well this is the plug in for that.

All friends requests have to be mutually accepted.

/friends version
/friends add [playername] - To make a friends request
/friends accept [playername] - To make a friends request
/friends decline [playername] - To decline a friends request
/friends remove [playername] - To remove a player from the list
/friends notify [on/off] - to turn on and off join/quit notifications.
/friends list - Displays your current friends list.
/friends deny - Decline all friends requests
/friends allow - Allow requests for friends list
/friends pending - See a list of pending friends requests.

This plugin is featured on MuttsWorld on the Survival, PvP, Creative and Skyblock servers. Visit to try it.

Any questions? Either post on the forums or visit us in IRC on Freenode. #muttsworld

Future Thoughts:
Bungee Version
Adding SQL