23 posts

Lib's DisguiseCraft

Lib's DisguiseCraft


Have you ever been unhappy with other spawn plugins that don't spawn you exactly where you want to be spawned? Then SmartSpawn is for you.


Is your chat too unorganized? Are you tired of having an unclean chat? If so, kJustShutUp is the plugin for you! kJustShutUp is a lightweight and fully customizable chat-management plugin that allows you to easily mute players, silence your chat, or even clear your chat history!

XP Multiplier

An extremely simple, and hopefully useful plugin. It's designed with compatibility in mind, so there's no fancy variables and things on the permissions. Players with a certain permission node will get a certain multiplier bonus on any XP they pick up while on your server. This plugin has 0 configuration files, 0 commands, just a grand total of 9 permission nodes to choose from.




Run a server where you have turned of the login/logoff messages but your players would like to know when their friends are online? Well this is the plug in for that.


ServerInventory and what it does. ServerInventory allows you to share an inventory with every single player, it opens up an 27 slot inventory for everyone in the server with no permission so anyone can do it.


This plugin allows you to create a custom tab config for you server In order for this to work on your server you will need the following plugins: - http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/tabapi/ - http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/protocollib/


Enchant an item with Knockback 9000.

