32 posts

Cpp Swap with Examples

In this programming example, we will swap two numbers in C++ using call by reference and call by address. in this cpp swap using Numbers Call by Reference. The swap () function is used to swap two numbers.

What is cpp list?

Inserting and removing nodes is a simple process that can be done by adding or deleting the desired node and manipulating the pointers of the node before and after it. This is why cpp list are much efficient data containers than deques or vectors in STL.


A "Hello, World!" is a simple program that outputs Hello, World! on the screen. The "Hello World" program is the first step towards learning any programming language. cpp hello world Program Printing the message "Hello World" to the standard output is a classic program that everyone writes when they start learning a programming language.

cpp map

What is a cpp map? C++ map is an associative container that is used to store and sort elements in an orderly fashion. C++ map stores information in <key, value> pairs and we can access the value field from the key in O(logn) time. Using the map, you can effortlessly search for elements based on their keys. Keys and values are essential to a C++ map.

Fibonacci Series in C

The Fibonacci series in c is nothing but a sequence of numbers in the following order: The numbers in this series are going to starts with 0 and 1. The next number is the sum of the previous two numbers. Fibonacci series is a series of numbers formed by the addition of the preceding two numbers in the series.

What Is Tableau?

Tableau is a bridge to various data sources which is used to visualize huge data sets. In Tableau, you can directly select the data and switch them between visualizations in one go. It is very fast to deploy, easy to learn and very intuitive to use for a customer. Here is a learning path to all those people who are new to Tableau.

Tableau Public

Tableau Public is an application that can help anyone transform small or large data sets into relevant graphs and charts that can then be shared with others and published online. As the word 'public' suggests, the created workbooks can't be locally saved, rather it is sent to Tableau's public cloud which can be accessed by the general public.

Regression testing

Regression testing is a type of software testing that intends to ensure that changes to the software have not adversely affected it. Point to Notes. Regression testing is only done when there is any modification or changes become mandatory in an existing project

Black-box testing

Black-box testing is a one of the software testing methods. Black-box testing examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings.it is also known as functional testing, data-driven testing, and closed box testing.

Functional testing

Functional testing is a software testing type, where each part of the software is tested against user specifications and functional requirements. Functional tests are related to integration tests, however, they signify to the tests that check the entire application's functionality with all the code running together, nearly a super integration test.