nurak ibinski⁸⁷⁷⁶⁴²¹³
matrix-administrator · freedom-activist · voodoo master · creator's God · alpha-light-fighter · Breatharian · walk in incarnate machine-Elf
117 posts

WARNING: The salt of the Earth is polluted by dead energy.

WARNING: The salt of the Earth is polluted by dead energy.

👁 #ProtectYourThirdEye 💜

protect your third eye

Infinitecodes ᛖ “Willenskraft-Booster” — Informationen bekommst du direkt HIER:

Ist es möglich, die eigene Willenskraft durch sein Unterbewusstsein zu stärken?

Mithilfe von Infinitecodes ᛖ in Selbstliebe Sein🗝️.

Liebe/r Leser,

“Energy flows where the focus goes” — Energy depends on your attention

#Infinitecodes #Universallycodes #Numericalcodes #Generalcodes #Numerology #Spacecodes #Matrixcodes #Healingcodes #Numberrows #Infinitycodes #Codenumbers #Healingnumbers #Originalsourcecodes #Numberlines #Remedialcodes #Numberseries #Remedialcount #Codes #Numbers #Sourcecodes #Frequencies


Numbers, as well as words and images, always have information in the form of a vibration.

Numbers, as well as words and images, always have information in the form of a vibration. You can focus your consciousness on healing by focusing on healing numbers or so-called numerical codes. I’ll show you some practical applications on this space.

56530013 is a Code with this Effects: Infinite Perfect freedom and healing for all #animals!

56530013 is a Code with this Effects: Infinite Perfect freedom and healing for all #animals!

Tips for applying the Codes.

Tips for applying the number series, Concentration on numerical series Infinitecodes, Universallycodes, Healingcodes, Matrixcodes, Numerology, Codes, Healingnumbers, Numericalcodes, Spacecodes, Universalcodes, Numberrows, Galacticcodes, Numberlines, Numberseries, Frequencies…

Always have information in the form of a vibration.

Program this code on your water, place your water glass for at least three minutes on the Infinitecodes ᛖ combination you have written down. Drink swallowingly afterwards. 🧊👌🌊