November 6, 2019


There are so many different views on how ideal country should look like. That views are base on dissatisfaction of people with their lives in their countries. So, lets talk about country that people idealize.

For most of us, the model of state is closely same. The ideal state should provide the benefits of citizens: decent wages, confidence in the future, the availability of housing, the ability to influence life in the country. Important qualities of the individual citizen of the ideal state should be patriotism and being sociable.

The state system is a meritocracy, that means that representatives of government, will be elected by complex psychological and professional tests. Everything valuable will be provided by the state. At the same time, culture, economy, education, legislation should be completely under the control of such authorities. Due to this, the state will grow up in the right direction, because nobody will have personal interests.

Democracy should be limited and provided for people with most positive characteristics and perspectives.

The state should be anti-liberal and anti-Communist in order to protect society against the degradation of human freedoms and dignity. In addition it’s obvious that people shouldn’t reduce his existence to the individual satisfaction.

There is no quota or unemployment benefits, nor is general compulsory education. Government will support you if you support to your homeland by beneficial actions. That is the path of education for each citizen in their independence.

Consequently, there will always be creators and those who will produce. At the same time, no one will dissatisfied with their status. And many problems of society will disappear subsequently.

How you can see, Ideal country is not a location provided by flying cars and smart houses. Ideal country is an acceptable system of society and government.