Is money always a main factor of human's happiness?
Money is considered by some people as a main factor of human's happiness. To my mind, not all of us were born with a lot of money in pockets, and there are some ways to be happy without money, and if you are happy, money will come.
Happiness is not only a large amount of money, and there are some ways to be happiest human in the world.
Often, people without money more grateful than people with full pockets of "green gold". Feeling real emotions like love, cheerfulness and greatfulness fill the empty place in their hearts, but if a person , who know how to be in delight for simplicities of life will try to be better, he will reach a success in money.
Usually, persons, who did a great thing, were poor on start of their way, but having a goal in their life made them fearless machines of success. Because they understand the price of money and they are motivated to reach a success. Although, they have no money right now, if they have a goal and a big intention to torn all difficulties for being rich , they will have money one day.
Finally, people without a large amount of money have a truly friends. Because when you are rich, you don't know, is your friend really admire you or this "friend" just wants your money. It is a great opportunity to make loyal friends when you don't have so much. When you will start your way of wonderful events, this friends will be your most powerful supporting group.
In conclusion, money is not always a main factor that shows human's happiness. If each person in this world had tried to reach goals in any circumstances, even when they have no money and to be a good friend, humanity would have been more happier.