July 21, 2020

Paul V. Greene | Most Important Components of the Key to Success

Paul V. Greene - Can it be that there is only one key to success? Is there just one thing that, if done well, would ensure success? I don't think so. I don't. I do think, however, that there are a handful of things that collectively hold the key to success.

And the good news is that all of them can be learned. None of them are the mysterious "that certain something". Do you know what I mean by this? I'm sure you've heard it many times, and perhaps even said it yourself more than once. When talking about a successful person we always says something like "Well, he/she just has something about them..."

Well, I don't see it as a "certain something" anymore. Not at all. Having studied this subject for a long time, I can say with clarity what those "certain something" are. Furthermore, they're pretty straightforward.

So according to Paul V. Greene! What exactly are the things that are key to success? What do you have to do?


Have you ever met, seen, or heard of anyone successful in a field that they didn't like? And if you have, I assure you that they are the exception rather than the rule. Almost always the successful person has a fire in their belly about what they are pursuing. It's almost like their job found them. So, find your passion, and pursue it with passion.


Most of them are not working hard at all, but playing hard. There is an old saying "Find a job that you love to do, and you won't work a day in your life". It is much easier to work hard at something that you enjoy doing. It helps so much to make the less enjoyable parts more tolerable if the rest of the time you are having fun. But hard work is a definite requirement. So, be prepared to work. And be prepared to push yourself hard as well.


This isn't anything surprising, lets be honest. The most successful people in any field are nearly always experts in that field. And becoming an expert isn't that hard. If you were to pick a subject that fired you up and just read for an hour or 2 a day, in a year or so you could be at or approaching expert status. Also remember that, to many people, an expert is simply someone who knows more about a particular subject than they do. Not necessarily someone who knows more than everyone else as well. So, set to work becoming an expert.


This is another way of saying "defined goals". Or perhaps "specific intent". Successful people have a very clear idea of where they are going, and how they are going to get there. They also know where they are on their journey as well, and where they have come from. For you to do the same, take the time to work out exactly what you want. Very few people will. Most people will go through their whole life never once deciding exactly what they want. If you can do this then you put yourself ahead of 95% of the rest of the world. Then, to keep going, review this list of goals daily. A good way to do this is to re-write them daily.


Keep on keeping on. Paul V. Greene says successful people don't stop trying. Again, this is no real surprise, is it? There are numerous obstacles in everyone's way, and the fact of the matter is that you will probably fail many times before you eventually succeed. This is true for everybody. It is only by holding on like a dog with a bone that you can hope to get to the end. So, all you have to do is to keep on keeping on.

And that's about it!

These five attributes are, in my estimation, the components of the key to success.