March 13, 2020

Powdered Sugar Market Size, Shares, Industry Trend, Demand, Applications, Types And 2025 Forecast Research Report

Powdered Sugar Market: Overview

The random change in the food habits of people has propelled the growth of the bakery industry. Market observers believe that the global bakery industry will continue to grow until the end of 2020. Present trends in the industry clearly indicate that goods such as pastries, doughnuts cookies and several other products will dominate consumer palate. Regions such as Latin America, North America, and APAC will create a better ambience of growth for the bakery and confectionery industry. Multiple brands will populate these thriving markets and the meteoric rise of this industry will also impact the expansion of the powdered sugar market around the globe.

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Powdered sugar is one of the ingredients used to make confectionery items. Powdered sugar not only changes the taste of confectionary and bakery items, but it also changes their form. Powdered sugar is made by mixing corn starch with sugar. Powdered sugar is often known as confectioners’ sugar. This sugar is highly preferred by some of the top-notch bakers present around the globe. The name of the powdered sugar often changes as it crosses regional boundaries. For example, powdered sugar is popularly known as icing sugar in Canada and England. Powdered sugar is predominantly used on cookies as its natural inbuilt qualities help powdered sugar dissolve better in these items. In 2016 the sugar producing regions around the globe such as India, Brazil and many other EU countries have witnessed a slow growth because of unpredictable climatic conditions. The agricultural yield was quite low which further affected the organic growth of the global sugar market. The normal production flow of sugar was hit and fractured globally which has affected the growth of the powdered sugar market; though the industry is fighting hard with the adverse conditions and trying to build a path to continue a free flow of exports and imports. India has been a dominant player in the global sugar market.

Powdered Sugar Market: Drivers

As powdered sugar or confectioners’ sugar is abundantly used in the bakery and confectionery industry, the demand for powdered sugar will rise as it is easily soluble and best suited for use in confectionary items. The rise of bakery markets across the APAC and MEA regions are likely to bolster the growth of the powdered sugar market. People of North America and Europe consume bakery items in their homes on a daily basis and this habitual trend has favored the growth of the powdered sugar market in these parts of the globe. Powdered sugar market revenue growth is also directly dependent on the seasonal demand. The market normally witnesses a surge during Christmas when the production of cookies, cakes and other confectionery items grows around the globe. As the production spikes, the demand and procurement of powdered sugar also climbs the ladder. Powdered sugar has been ruling the confectionery industry for years. The present market is less competitive and there is hardly any standard competition in the global market. This factor is likely to compliment the growth of this market in the forthcoming years.

Powdered Sugar Market: Restraints

Powdered sugar is a gush of calories. People today are becoming more conscious about their health with ailments such as diabetes and obesity having taken the shape of an epidemic in most parts of the globe. This growing negative health effect is expected to restrict the growth of the powdered sugar market in the years to come.

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Powdered Sugar Market: Key Regions

Some of the major sugar manufacturing countries around the globe are producing the best quality of powdered sugar. Countries such as China, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, and Belgium-Luxembourg are presently dominating the export market of powdered sugar. On the other hand, countries such as UK, France, Canada and Germany stock huge quantities of powdered sugar.

Powdered Sugar Market: Leading Market Players

Nordic SugarSĂĽdzucker GroupCOPPASA