November 2, 2020

The autumn weather

For a long time, all September and October the weather in Moscow was very excellent. Only the last two days we have the weather with constant light rain. Although there are no puddles in the street, everything around is wet. The air outside is very wet.

The sky seems very low and heavy. There are a lot of gray clouds in the sky. The temperature downed last week. I understand we have had good weather for a long time to long and adapted to it, and nowadays the weather is typical for autumn.

I remember some years when we have had snow on November,10 (I remember this date because it is Day of Militia in Russia), and that snow has not been the first one. I was walking in small snowdrifts. But if it trusts the weather forecast the next week will be without snow, even can be the rain with thunder and lightning. The temperature, even at night, will not be below zero.

Every year I am wanting to snow cover the ground in one night and not melt once until spring.