June 15, 2020

The work with song

Today my exercise was about auditions of a song. I should write down what I heard from song. I listened to the song by Billy Joel named Honesty. Last lesson I already wrote my version of this song translated from Russian. I listened to it a few times, and in different versions because some parts of the song were too hard to audit. Especially when the singer started singing louder and more emotional the part in the third verse. A few times I corrected the same words when started listening to this song in another video. All this video were shot in different times and Billy Joel had different ages in each video. I even tried listening to the cover was sung by Russian singer on the Russian The Voice show. But, as it turned out, he sang the shorter version of the song. Almost two times shorter. Probably the time of the singing one song was restricted or may be it was did while editing the show.