February 2, 2011

Дневник с Крузенштерна, год 2002-2003. Часть двадцать седьмая.

Zevende van Juni 2003 jaar, Zaterdag (07.06.2003, Saturday)18.53 Privet, Mijn Lieve Koshkatje!
My Sweet Sweet Koshkatje, My Sun and My Guiding Star, My Love and My Good Luck, Mama of our little Koshkatjes and The Most Sexy Women - Ira.........! Serioga Osow is saying: ‘Real man must be big, stinking and hairy.”* I’m meeting the last requirements only, but I don’t want to be real man. For me is enough to be Your Mishkatje, such I am.
I didn’t write for You about two weeks. And I wanted to greet You especially like first kiss after the long while. Did I do it? OK.
Now we are in a Baltic Sea not so far from Svetlogorsk, but we are sailing away to the sea-way. We are passed next to Svetlogorsk coast (where we found a lot of sun stones) at 5 o’clock with some sails and from land cannons saluted us. I called all cadets to the foredeck (forecastle) and we started to make a wave for answer like on stadium, when all people stand up one after another. May be somebody sow it, though it is not matter. As the saying: ‘Let a candle will burn out and nobody see it. It will be.’ Cadets are normal guys, they are trying one’s best, fire is burning in them eyes. But because of fresh breeze ship is rolling a little bit and sea-sickness makes itself felt.
You know, Arunas is not worse room mate (at the present time), one young sailor from second main mast is without nothing in a head, he is a such simple like Infusoria. Now I have enough patience, and in a future I hope to get into the habit of him. Today is Birthday of third my room mate, he is from fore mast and it says about everything. I presented to him two cans of sugar milk (of course :O) and didn’t go to dinner.

*"Мужик должен быть могуч, вонюч и волосат." - говорил Серёга Осов.Снова в море. Этот голубь засрал всю палубу.

Achtste van Juni, Zondag (08.06.2003 Sunday)

07.33 Good Morning, Iratje! I still didn’t receive message from You. I’m waiting for it and than I will send You answer. For the time present we have good contact with radio center.
Yesterday was big celebrate in my cabin! A lot of people came for congratulations and for eating. I had foolery to sit next to hot food (stewed potatoes with cheese and mushrooms and chicken). I didn’t have time to seat and to eat up something, because sailors came in and came in, and I helped everybody with first plate with hot food. Later I lay!!!!! down one spoon with potatoes on a plate and next one – into my mouth.
And before it I went to the new radio operator(Sergey)’s room (he had yesterday birthday too), so that to have two one celebrate for two birthdays, but he had little own celebrate with Osow and his room mate and was watching football (Russia-Switzerland). I took part in Little celebrate (I ate gherkin (marinated cucumbers) with smoked fish and orange juice – I don’t know why I didn’t explode on the inside. But I felt something like preparation for act of terrorism in my stomach right now), and next we went together to the 10th cabin. Later You know. I drank only juice, but everybody said, that "as soon as birthday – Prachkovskiy is drunk, no more juice for him if we don’t want to change good celebrate in a booze" – as usually. Ok, I will go to the toilette first and next..... I can’t wait more.
20.38 In a morning meeting chief mate said, that we don’t need to work hard, because in afternoon, it may be, we will meet with ship with wife of Putin on board. Therefore we must be ready for setting sails in any moment. In afternoon we sow one nice ship, but didn’t do nothing. We turned Rheas for training and cleaned the deck. After work I went to Vlad and told him my ideas about ‘apparatus’ for koshkatjes, than I looked big catalogue “OTTO” and the rest, I rummaged the library, but found nothing. I’m sorry, that I didn’t take with me big part of real tree from grandparent’s garden. I would made something nice with it. But right now right here – on the ship – with available resources I’m in despondency. I will give freedom for my fantasy and devise/make something. Time, time, time...
I sent message to You and now I’m waiting of Your answer. But every contact with radio center is finishing with phrase ‘no messages for you’. No, I’m not in a sorrow, I have a such strong confidence/certitude in You, that nothing can shake it. Kiss, kiss, kiss...

Negenste van Juni, Maandag (09.06.2003 Monday)

08.00 I have feeling time stopped. May be it is after sleeping, may be it is because as sailor I have nothing to do now. Most probably it is because of both reasons. No, one more – I have no ideas for little koshkatjes. Wait a minute – I will try to find one more reason:-).
Really – I need one little accidental case for laugh. When I called you last time from port – first I was needed to call to telephone operator to say her pin-code of my card and Your phone number. Women-operator was smiling, I could hear it. I started to smile too and she asked me: “What is funny?”. I said – You started first. And we !!!!burst out laughing!!!!! together. My good mood woke up after it. Or when I met one guy in Kaliningrad, with who I studied in Academy and we played a duet – I played wood spoon, and he played guitar. Oh, I hear “all hands on deck”. I need to go. IHHEVVJ
19.45 No little case for laugh. But... After work I consented to play game with 2 cubes an some fishes with Sasha. Usually he has amazing luck in this game. We went to my room and Sasha brought a chocolate and we opened one box of chocolate candies. You understand that after a such luck I lost two games with joy.
In the rest – weather is sunny, but sea is with storm all day, wave are very big and ship is rolling very strongly. We set some sails at morning (Kruzer sailed with good list/heel) and took in it after midday. All day I had (and I have it now) heavy head and bad feelings inside of me. 10 minutes ago I lost some quantity of eat chocolate in the sea. I feel not very good. But I love You anyway, however bad I feel.

Tienste van Juni, Diensdag (10.06.2003 Tuesday)

16.13 At 16.30 I will go to work for one hour, therefore I will be writing not so long. But I have enough time to say “I love You, and if everything is OK with You, everything is OK with me”. I felt so bad yesterday because of sea-sickness. I went to my room and was going to lay in a bed and “to die” quietly until morning. But the simplest sailor in the room said, that he got message from her wife (he is married and has a son). I decided that first I will send You message and than come that way. About to fall apart I found Sahsa in library, went to his room to take his handy, trailed to library again, because handy was switched of and crawled to flying bridge, where with one’s last might I pushed buttons.... If would You sow reaction of watch navigator, when in the face of him inspired man because of only one phone signal. Oh, I went to sleep in fine mood.
19.16 Last news. Device for e-mail in radio center doesn’t work; the rest equipment is working not very good. When it will be repaired – it is not known. We need to wait. My mood meets the situation.

Elfste van Juni, Woensdag (11.06.2003 Wednesday)

18.08 I think crisis of last two days is gone. Which crisis? - You will ask. Oh, You didn’t know. After storm and bad info from radio center I could not compel myself to do something. Clothes were not ironed, all my free time I did nothing. But I worked with desire. Don’t ныть, Kostja, don’t ныть!
Yesterday morning we set three sails on every mast and life took its normal course. Before midday I painted with two cadets new drying room (they got can of sugar milk for good work from me). After launch I climbed on first main mast to oil blocks for turning fore mast’s Rheas, and some drops of oil were falling on the deck. I cleaned everything, but some later Arunas came and said, that I stained half of the deck with oil and some parts of mast. OK, I cleaned a deck one more time. At today’s morning he said in time of meeting all crewmembers, that yesterday with oiling was stained al deck of first main mast and all first main mast.* May be tomorrow I will hear about all Kruzenshtern with oil? I didn’t want, but I avenged oneself. Accidentally. Chief cook asked me about jam from home for captain. I promise her to bring it, because remembered about one can in my ex-cabin. But my ex-roommate threw it away (it was already not good). I went to my room and found in refrigerator one can of jam. I gave it to chief cook, because nobody was in a room. Some later, when Arunas was in room, baker came and said: “Deliver to Kostja his can of Jam”. I was in a room too and I sow face of Arunas when he sow half-empty can (I would sow half-full can, I’m optimist). Of course, I made excuses, but… He-he-he!.. I satisfied.

*Арунас был боцманом первого грота, а я был матросом фока, закапавший маслом чужую территорию.

Twaalfste van Juni, Donderdag (12.06.2003 Thursday)

00.29 Look on the time. I was on rudder/helm watch. Today – first day. I explained to cadets how to do it, and they managed ship good. Tomorrow I will be on watch again from 8 till 12 at morning and evening.
In the light of last bad for me days it seemed that I became exasperated/embittered a little bit to people. I felt it really inside of me and it required some strength to be nice. I think, it was result of bad bad mood, like sickness. Now I’m healthy, fortunately. But I miss You very much, and I miss to wright mailtjes for You and to get back Your letters. I think I will call You by radiotelephone tomorrow (if it is possible), because can’t keep silence, though I’m sure in You – I know, You understand everything and don’t worry. I noticed – nothing can make me happy, if I can’t have any contact with You and vice versa – Nothing can make me sad, if You are in my life. Now I know – You are in my life forever, but some moments I need little paper with magic and simple words from You, My Queen. Now I can’t imagine world without You. I Love You So Much, Very Much, Deeply – I don’t know how else to express My Love to You in this devil’s English!!!!!!! 8-))))
P. S. I ironed all my clothes.
16.08 After launch was sailing alarm – we made a turn. We are moving between Sweden and Poland. With my good condition came good idea. I walk through the ship and didn’t find something good for little koshkatjes. But I found wood supports from old wood things around masts. I can make luminaire – wood support with lamp with lamp-shade on top from Kruzenshtern and koshkatjes can sharpen them claws. In my imagination it looks so nice. Vlad said I can use it. I will try.
Now I’m busy with dismantling antennas with new radio operator Serioga. We will change antenna’s system for better communication with Kaliningrad. Today is day of independence in Russia and nobody in radio center knows about e-mail terminal, when it will be repaired.
After next watch in midnight I will go to room with wood supports and choose one the most nice.
18.43 I asked Igor to send You this little mailtje, and... You reed it. I Love You. I will find posibility to inform You as soon as possible about arriving to Kiel. Don't worry about me - I'm in best order now. I wish You good way and nice work on wedding day and fine time in Berlin. My greetings to Leo and Margriet and everybody in Breda (Hello allemaal!) and say "Hallo" to Marlis and Folker, Anne, Inga. Na ja, bist daan, ja, chuuse! See You in Kiel. Kostechki

My cables to You

sts kruzenshtern 5/1 15 08/06 =

hoi geliefde van mij
wij gaan met de wind in de ostzee tot kiel te zeilen
gisteren heb ik te veel van taart in de geboortedag van een matroos gegeten.
waarom heb ik het gedaan?
ihhevvjou mishkatje en de eeuwige vragen

Перевод.Привет, Любимая моя. Мы снова под парусами в Балтийском море на пути в Киль. Со мной всё в порядке. Вчера я объелся торта на Дне рождения одного матроса. Зачем я это сделал? Я тебя очень люблю. Мишка и вечные вопросы.

sts kruzenshtern 9/1 14 09/06 =

privet mijn lieve koshkatje
hoe gaat het met jou? heb je goed geslapen?
ik heb een zeil op de Rhea gebevestigd en over dat gedacht
het stormt hier
al fotos van jou zijn boven mijn koje
met liefde en kussen kostechki.

Перевод.Привет, Моя Милая Кошка. Как у тебя дела? Ты хорошо спала? Я закрепил парус на рее и об этом думал. Здесь штормит. Все твои фотографии у меня над кроватью. С любовью и поцелуями, Костечки.

sts kruzenshtern 10/1 16 10/06 =

iratje mijn liefde
gisteren na het werk ben sasha in mijn kajuit met een spel en een chocolade gekomen
ik heb al chocolade gegeten en graag twee keer vergespeeld
officieel kiel 20 - 24 van juni inderdaad - longer denk ik
in afwachting van jou kostik

Перевод.Ира, Моя Любовь. Вчера после работа в мою каюту пришёл Саша с игрой и шоколадом. Я съел весь шоколад и с радостью проиграл два раза. По плану Киль с 20 по 24 июня, на самом деле - дольше, я думаю. В ожидании тебя, Костик.

Серёга Самущенков, наверное, со своим отцом. Стояночный визит.

В Калининграде я встречался со своими друзьями.

Дядя Лёва вытащил из библиотеки свои кактусы погреться на солнышке.

Опять Серёга Самущенков попал в кадр....

...а я хотел паруса сфотографировать.

Новая кофельнагельная планка и новые нагели в лучах солнца.

Cтол мастера с тисками.

Слепой мастер за работой.

Курсанты на приборке.

Ручной шпиль у первого грота.

Продолжение - часть двадцать восьмая.