Дневник с Крузенштерна, год 2002-2003. Часть пятнадцатая.
08.10 Dinsdag. Вторник. 22.30 Your words touch me to the innermost of one's heart and my eyes become humid. You amuse/gladden me and compel seemingly to cry happy tears. You affect the such string into me which nobody never affect. If I should say what I choke by feelings to you sometimes, it will be like a true. I wait impatiently to see for you in Bremerhaven - My Precious, My Beloved, My Sexy, My Affectionate Koshka.
One of every three days I have been showing for 3-4 cadets all my work as of radiooperator and they have been working themselves. In those days I have been spending the while from 13.00 to 23.00 into radioroom. I explaining with patience all details of my work. I understood what difficult is profession of teacher.
I tore my working blue trousers along right half of kont/achterste/zitvlak (Dutch) /bottom (English) and I have been forgetting daily to mend it. It is object my and others of jokes. I have a joyous live.
Ocean can't settle down and absorb anybody's attention. Big waves as if play with ship like big good dog with puppy dog. Nice weather and beautiful ocean. I love you Ira. You are most important person in my live. I will go to sleep with thoughts of you.
9 октября 2002 года. Среда. Woensdag. 06.55 Каждое утро четвёртый помощник капитана Зуев Анатолий зачитывает по подъёму еле внятно и второпях, как будто уже трое суток не спал, кое-какую интересную информацию типа:
"Судовое время 7 часов, экипажу и практикантам подъём. Доброе утро. Прослушайте... под парусами... курс 195 градусов, скорость 8 узлов, ... 202 морские мили за последние сутки прошли, 450 морских миль до Санта Круса. Температура воды 22 градусов, волнение - 3 балла, давление такое-то..."
Так быстро бормочет, я не успел всё записать. Волнение три балла всего, а кренит хорошо. Ветер сильный, а мы под парусами. Вот так. Сейчас в душ - утреннее омовение.
Забыл ещё. Мы находимся на траверзе Гибралтарского пролива, значит впереди по левому борту у нас Африка. Африка! Африка!!!
22.37 Privet Ira!!! My calls to you began like this. I'll can to call you soon.
Your yesterday evening's message was very very very very nice, a lot of very nice words, I was so happy. And my awakening was so nice, I thought about you and imagined our meeting in Bremerhaven. I wrote you about it, and you found some sadness in my 'mailtje'. No sadness, Ira, I'm happy, I love You, You love me! Everything is all right.
And nevertheless sometimes I can't translate some short words in Dutch. On the whole I understand the meaning of sentence, but my dictionary has no those words. I was looking even to the dictionary of "Bad language" and "Alternative Dutch Language" (I have it), but alas! Today cadets saw the dolphins again, but again I missed this sight. Ocean Is very very blue in the sunshines and white horses up on the waves are very very white. We sailing. White sails are crowded by wind, but nobody see it. Last week we saw only one ship.
Birthday of Igor Michailovich will be tomorrow, I wrote cable for him. I wished many happy returns of the day to him from you too. He will be glad I'm sure. He is very good man.
Six weeks to Bremerhaven - town of our first night in one bed together. I beginning to dip into memories....
Ira, you are my Love, you are my World, you are my Meaning.
10 октября 2002 года. Четверг. Donderdag.
Еще среда, ещё 15 минут среды.
Я заметил, что у меня жизнь идёт всё таки какими-то циклами. Три, четыре, пять дней хорошее, отличное настроение, желание, а потом спад, вроде неплохо всё, но что-то не то. А может я начинаю уставать. Шесть месяцев уже в море.
23.50 Today was usual day. It is my schedule for usual day:
06.30-07.15 awakening and being in somnolence until alarm clock of my watch with thoughts about you, sometimes short dreams....
07.16 - 07.18 going to shower clothed in towel with tracks of bed-clothes on my skin...
07.19 - 07.30 taking up shower and final awakening
07.19-07.30 wet wet wet
07.31 - 07.50 - get dressed uniform for eating, have a breakfast and change one's clothes to usual wear (short and t-short and something else) (first time(!))
07.51 - 08.20 - compose message for you
08.20 - 11.30 - work (send message to you (first) and the others, study navigational equipment or do something else)
11.30 - 11.50 - get dressed uniform for eating, have a dinner and change one's clothes to usual wear (short and t-short and something else) (second time (!!))
11.50 - 13.00 - get sunburn and study Dutch (necessary!)
13.10 - 15.30 - work (transmission and reception of cables, teaching of cadets (one time in three days), study navigational equipment or doing something else
15.31 - 15.46 - get dressed uniform for eating, have a tie and change one's clothes to usual wear (short and t-short and something else) (third time (!!!))
15.32 15.47 - 17.15 - work with cables (one of three days - and cadets, then - till 21.00 and more) and full translating your message
17.16 - 17.29 - I don't know what I doing in during this time
17.30 - 19.15 - in the sportroom among sweaty, huge and undressed men
19.16 - 19.29 - wet wet wet in the shower
19.30 - 19.50 - get dressed uniform for eating, have a supper and change one's clothes to usual wear (jeans and t-short and something else) (fourth time (!!!!))
19.51 - 23.00 and more - transmission and reception of cables, organization of telephone conversation and something else....
Now I need to sleep little bit. I love you Koshka.
11.10 Vrijdag. Пятница. 19.00 We are about Selvajensh-Grandy Island. There is 120 miles from Canary Islands. I can see that little island at the skyline. It is first coast in during one week. I was glad like child when looked it.
22.15 У меня эмоциональный спад. Проходим мимо островов Селваженш, виден остров Селваженш-Гранди. Мне кажется, я очень устал. Как ты далеко, Ира.
12 октября 2002 года. Суббота.
09.10 Мы подошли к Канарским островам. Остров Гран-Канария уже виден на горизонте высоким мысом, сквозь тёмные тучи. Телевизионная антенна берёт испанские передачи. Я уже успел посмотреть на Тэйду (это Вулкан, главная достопримечательность острова) глазами оператора. А у ведущего утренней передачи "Сони Плэй Стэйшн" футболка с надписью "Смирновская водка #21".
А я проснулся сегодня в 06.15 и перепутал время по своим часам. Сходил, душ принял, оделся, галстук завязал, а время только полседьмого. Да... Но я бодрячком.
12.00 Я вас всех серьёзно дезориентировал. Виден остров Тенерифе. А Санта-Круз пока, увы...
23.00 Игорь выразил мне своё неудовлетворение моим образованием в смысле навигационного оборудования. Я уже взялся за ГК "Гюйс", но всё равно много мелочей несправедливых, про которые мне хотелось бы сказать, но я не хочу быть занудным. Всё пучком.
Видел я Тэйду своими глазами над облаками. Здорово! Да и весь остров тоже в превосходных тонах. Я сначал думал - это снег или солевые отложения на скалах, а оказалось - маленькие города, все дома белые-белые. А ночью весь остров расцвечен огнями, как муравейник - дорожками. А закат какой был!
Ира вчера обещала вечером написать, но сегодня утром я ничего не получил и даже немного заволновался. Но чуть позже получил её "mailtje" (mail, голл.) с извинениями. Я всё могу понять. Я её люблю.
13.10 Zondag 21.00 I will have telephone conversation with Kaliningrad after 15 min. Yesterday morning I saw first coast of Canary Islands. And I can see those beautiful volcanic islands two full days already.
22.00 And yesterday morning wasn't my usual morning. My live likes a waves - emotional raise for 4- 5 days and next 2-3 days - dejection and emotional decline. Two days until yesterday was days like the last. And I thought about what can cheer up me. You know, my watch have a three times: ships time and kaliningrads time - electronic dial, and time of your live - dial with arrows (1 hour more). For example - 0700 your time is 0600 ships time.
I awaked at 0615, looked to watch in the dark - 0715 (dial with arrows). I took a shower, dressed, tied one's tie and looked to watch again in light - ships time is 0630! I gave a laugh and got a good emotional charge for next days. Today I'm fine. Only your illness alarmed me a little. I would wont to be with you now. You know, my body can elicit illness to itself and to win it one. I would bring to you tie with lemon and warmth milk with honey. I know you don't like milk, but I would ask you to drink some because it is very useful. I love you deeply Ira, My precious Koshka. And now we are drift between two islands - Gomera and Tenerife. Tenerife have a big volcano with height of 3718 meters. All time it hide one's tops by clouds, but sometime.... sometime volcano's top is visible. But anyway clouds cap sit on the island. View is very very beautiful. Heat is 39 degrees. Water is blueblueblue.... and clean. Today evening I saw dolphins, but I could see only something shining in the moonlight. In the Netherlands is 5 degrees now, in Kaliningrad more less - about zero. Please, take care of yourself, don't ill. I hope you will get better quickly. Sweet dreams to you tonight. And always, of course.
14.10 Maandag. Понедельник. 22.00 I very glad what you are more better then yesterday. Will you be so healthy always. I love you, My Darling.
There are very fervent sun at the day. Right now is very warmth, but no stuffy. Today volcano began to erupt...no, no, no, it was clean by clouds and I viewed slopes and top by binoculars. It impress me.
After 1300 till 2200 I taught the cadets and worked with them on transmission and reception of cables. I feel some tiredness into me. Will be careful on the road tomorrow.
23.20 Последние два дня активно изучаю ГК "Гюйс". Видел несколько дельфинов в миле от Крузера. Вулкан без облаков. Учил работать Бориса Руденко. Надеюсь, что Игорь Станиславович где-нибудь сохранил все мои фотки. Я перенесу, конечно, эту потерю, но это будет жестко.
15.10 Dinsdag 09.07 Today I saw fourth island of Canary Islands. It is called La-Palma. First was Tenerife, next Gran-Canaria, Gomera, and now La-Palma. It is lovely morning, isn't it? Yes, it is.
22.21 I'm in shock. Igor reinstalls software of the computer and deleted all pictures from camcorder. He said: 'I thought, your pictures was in another PC...'. It is very poor consolation for me. And now only you and Brigitte have exclusive CD-Rs with pictures. But about 200 my new photo is lost forever. I can't believe it. I would wont to use bad language... But don't worry, I'm OK. Today we conducted a sport championship. 1 - tightening, 2 - raising of myself by hand from the deck (do you picture to oneself?), 3 - raising 24-kilograms of weight (dumb-bells) by hand and 4 - lugging of rope. Our team consisted 5 people. And results: 1 - fourth place, 2 -third place, 3 - first place, and 4 - second place. In most our rivals was (and is now) like bodybuilders. But very important is what I won myself. I never rose the 24-kilograms weight by hand, and I did it 55 times. I think, some cadets won themselves too. And it was a big amusement for all cadets in long time at see. Championship dispelled just a little bit my bad mood. 'I have been laughing always, though sometimes I have mood past laughter...'. It is phrases from song of 'KINO' - "My friends", you have this song in CD-R.
I very very very very very need you near to me in my life. I'm very happy you are near to me in my live. I love you. I love you deeply. I love you so much. You are treasure of my live. After 6 days I'll hear you. After 5 weeks I'll see you. And after some more longer than 5 weeks we'll be live together. I'm wait till.
18 октября 2002 года. Пятница. Vrijdag.
00.05 Ничего необычного не случалось. Как всегда, прекрасные виды вулкана и островов, океана и небосвода. Я жду, жду, просто тупо жду и не даю себе расслабиться. А фотки ушли в никуда.
21.36 Privet, my Love. I became very bored about you. I tired to wait. Full today I had work without some rest (only 1 hour after midday for study Dutch; I acquired a tan and practiced Dutch simultaneously), and I like a tough spring. I feel tense anxietyinto me. And in this condition I have normal relation with really good people and I can't consort with some unpleasant persons. And I'm alone. Nobody find me by eyes on the deck and nobody wait for opening of the door of radioroom. But I'm not lonely, because one beautiful girl is thinking about me every minute of the day and love me. And right now, when I'm thinking about you, I'm relaxing. I never was so purposeful like now. I have real aim, and Love helps me to go by this way. I wont to be with you. You means so much in my life. So much...
I tried to have a sunburn of my white buttocks (place some down of my back) and my white place became red. It is object for joke for me. You see, I have been finding funny in all parts of my life, even in such intimate.
I forgot to buy shampoo in Poland and used sparingly it one, but today morning shampoo is finished. Igor (Mayorov, podshkieper, good man with black hair, he live with Arunas) promised to give me russian shampoo with extract of linden tomorrow. I hope....
As of the rest my days likes to each others and.... and today is Friday, 18 of October already. Time runs very fast. I miss you very badly. Very very. And I love you very deeply. Very very.
Первый взгляд на Канарские острова.
Вот такие города я принимал сначала за снег или солевые отложения.
Закаты на Канарах - каждый как целое представление.
Вулкан Тэйда возвышается над утренними облаками.
Остров в утренней дымке.
Боцман фока Серёга Осов и матрос фока Юра Юров на фоне вулкана без облаков.
Серёга Осов.
Серёга и Юра за работой. Сводят концы с концами.
Восход с видом на вулкан, три серии.
Одна из прекрасных комбинаций моря и неба.
Закаты, рассветы, виды - вся палитра красок.
Непогода приближается.
Юра вылез с утра покурить.
Парусный аврал, укатка парусов перед заходом в Санта Крус де Тенерифе.
Миша Привалов, боцман второго грота, следит за курсантами на реях.
Ночью в море.
Наш старпом по фамилии Плевако на ночной вахте в ходовой рубке. Действие в двух частях.