Дневник с Крузенштерна, год 2002-2003. Часть двадцать третья.
Monday 21st of April 2003 12.22 We are at see now, next to Gdynia. We will take some polish trainees. Yesterday we went out from Kaliningrad at 21.00. Before it I called to Nadja-baker and she came to the Port. I told to her by telephone about you and she had to bring little present for you. She said you are good girl, but I didn’t agree with her. You are more better than good girl. You are beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, beloved and loving. You are more than barely Ira. You are sense, you are dream, you are present and future, you are Little Koshkatje and Starry Sky. I have enough Love for every star into you.
At midnight we came out to Baltic sea, and when we went through the channel, I was with Lev Orlov on forecastle for urgent taking out of anchor in case of shoal. It was cold and dark, we was talking about something. Lev was drinking alcoholic-himself-made drink a little bit for warm with half of onion and fresh egg after every drink – I sow first time “after vodka” like this.
Yesterday was birthday of Serioga Osov, he was singing with another crew members, but I went to sleep.
22.08 I think I can send something to you, but first I need to write that ‘something’. I will write in Dutch – it needs a time. My dictionary is next to me.
About what? May be about Little Mishkatje, who is so glad to sleep with me again? "Mishkatje is zo blij met mij opnieuw te slapen, maar hij mist je onzettend als ik. Nee, ik mis je meer". (Медвежонок очень рад снова спать со мной, он очень скучает по тебе, как и я. Нет, я скучаю сильнее - голл.) Why not. I’m trying to send it to you.
Without success. May be, later or tomorrow at early morning. Tomorrow exactly I will send it. I Love You, Koshkatje. I will go to bed now, I want to sleep. I will tell you about today tomorrow, OK? It was not so special day. Buy-buy! 1,2, i love you 3. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ....
Tuesday 22s of April 2003
12.31 I can not send you message yet. I hope it will works at evening.
Now is time after dinner, I will translate letter from Mauritz – it will be my Dutch practice.
23.06 Ira, I have contact with radio center, but I can not send you message. Igor said something is wrong with equipment there. I’m starting to worry. If I will not have contact with you via radio center.... I will not think about it. Everything will work, I believe. I sent you sms from Sasha’s telephone, but I don’t know if you got it.
Yesterday I got paper “what I need to do in case of alarm” for me as sailor. It is because I have sailor’s certificate for work at sea. Michael Novikov said he will decide about me personally. And I’m waiting when he calls me to inform. Now I’m working like radiooperator and I need to come to “parusniy avral parusniy avral poshol wse na werh” to second main mast, because Misha Privalov is working with new sailors only. I will help him. And today all cadets was climbing up to the mast first time, I helped them and told to them about rules of safety. I sow how worked new sailors and they are not so good really. But I like to work like sailor, I like to work with cadets.
Lev Orlov got a lot of new books from Academy for library, I looked over these books yesterday and took one about John Lennon and Yoko Ono, but it likes cheap novel.
Today morning I shaved my big two weeks beard. You said by telephone in Sunday “may be I will come to Bremerhaven”. I will be ready for this case. Now I don’t know will you do it or not, but this thought doesn’t go out of my head.
In start of voyage I thought that I’m sailor and I need to eat in crew mess room. And I ate there. Today I met woman from officers mess room (you know her – little pudgy lady) and she said “Kostja! Why didn’t you come for eating? Where did you eat two days?”. She liked so worried about me.
Every evening I’m talking with Mishkatje and picture of you a little bit (I’m crazy I know, persons in love are crazy), and in that time I feel your absence very much, but I’m feeling your presence and your significance too. I love You Koshkatje. Very very much. You are the best what I have in my life. Be happy.
00.25 Kruzer is coming to Big Bridge, which is sparkling in the dark.
Wednesday 23d of April 2003
20.32 My Dear Koshkatje, I can not send you message yet, though I have good contact with radio center. I tried to ask operator all today about it, because I tried to send a lot of times, but it didn’t work. Operator said that everything is new in radio center, and I need to connect with it tomorrow at morning and I will know what I want to know from specialist. You didn’t send me something, therefore I think you didn’t get my sms. I’m looking forward for tomorrow morning.
Thursday 24th of April 2003
21.41 Privet, Ira! Today I sent message to you, but you are in Bremen already. I will see you soon-soon! And yesterday, whilst I was sending sms to you, Igor closed a radioroom with my keys inside and went to sleep. I wrote down nothing. But I can’t remember something interesting from yesterday. Antenna of radar broken and I took away broken block. Chief mate gave me for it only 20 minutes, because we came to Cape Skagen where we was needed to turn south. One good radar was switching off, when I was working. I was in time. Cape Skagen – it is border between Baltic(Ost) Sea and North Sea. In North Sea water is cleaner and you can see a lot of medusas. Though when we was in Cuxhaven, I would not said it.
Today I cleaned radio room, my room, I was in sport room first time. Oh, I forgot, yesterday was birthday of my first room mate – Sasha. I brought to him cable from Academy and he was telling (I think, for the hundredth time) how I was a cadet, and he was my commander in 1999 on Kruzenshtern.
I just found it in dictionary – in English is word ’matron’, and in Russian is word ‘matrioshka’ – russian souvenir. There are the same meanings and on the whole.
Today morning was first ‘all hands on deck’ (parusniy awral) at 0700. I woke up in 6.45 and ... Every morning I have been awakening with strong erection. And today I woke up with nice feeling of you next to me, but now I need to be working in time of ‘parusniy avral’. I went out on the deck and cadets started to laugh about bulge on my trousers. It is joke. Nobody was smiling. Everybody was envious of big bulge, because they had only little ones.
I Love You and I miss you and sex with you, your soul and your flesh. I never wrote you about sex and I thought “why if sex has big meaning in our life, I didn’t write you about it”. Sometimes I’m thinking and remembering about sex with you. It is in my life. But when I’m far away from you, I’m dreaming first about your hand in my hand.
Koshkatje, I’m going to go to sleep. I want to be in order tomorrow. I Love You and I Love You very much and I Love You deeply and I Love You, Mijn Lieve Koshkatje.
Снова в море. Начался новый рейс.
Сашка Суворов из Светлого, матрос фока.
Лев Орлов - боцман бушприта...
...и парусный мастер, а также заведующий библиотекой.
Витя Усатов, матрос фока.
Боцмана в минуты отдыха - Миша Привалов и Серёга Осов.
Матрос Женька Ромашкин и подшкипер Игорь Майоров.
Первый заход в рейсе - на родину парусника, в Бремерхафен. Здесь Крузенштерну всегда обеспечена бесплатная стоянка и пополнение запасов воды. (Следующие фотографии сделаны Ирой.)
Статья из местной газеты про Иру и меня, называется "В ожидании жениха". Корреспондент тоже поджидал Крузенштерн и разговорился с Ирой.
ПЕРЕВОД СТАТЬИ (при помощи гугл транслэйт)
В ожидании жениха
До завтра Крузенштерн стоит на причале Барбаросса, сегодня открыт для посещений.
Подпись под фотографией: Ира Вайнрайх (слева) И Бригитта Вилкенс ждут Крузенштерн, одна - из-за своего жениха, другая - из-за последующего путешествия на нём.
Фотограф Ира Вайнрайх два раза ходила на Крузенштерне. За это время она влюбилась не только в винджаммер, но и в радиооператора. Вчера она стояла на Северном шлюзе и ждала Костю Прачковского. До завтра они могут быть вместе. Когда Крузенштерн заходит в немецкий порт, Ира уже ждёт его там. "Мы видим друг друга не так часто" - говорит она. В Калининграде она уже побывалал у Кости в гостях, познакомилась с его семьёй. Но теперь она ищет возможность ему переехатьв Голландию, где она живёт. "Мы уже занимаемся этим вопросом." О своём пятинедельном путешествии на последнем Flying P-liner'e (3553 квадратных метра парусов) она написала книгу. "Удивительно было то, что 200 человек живут и работают в таком ограниченном пространстве - говорит она, - и эта солидарность на борту, гостеприимство..."
Четырёхмачтовый барк - один из самых привлекательных винджаммеров нашего времени, бороздящих моря, до завтра стоит на причале Барбаросса в Королевском порту. Сегодня капитан Олег Седов открыл парусник для посещений с 10.00 до 18.00. Многое на судне было модернизировано, узнала Ира от Кости, и зарплата была увеличена вдвое. Это очень здорово, работать на таком учебном паруснике - говорит она. Когда завтра Крузенштерн возьмёт курс на Гамбург, Ира поедет туда на машине и будет ждать его там. И в каждом следующем запланированном порту она уже будет стоять на причале. >>>>>>>>
Ира и Бригитта на причале.
А вот и жених.
Курсанты крепят парус. На фотографии на нижних реях ещё нет парусов. Перед зимней стоянкой все паруса снимают, а перед или уже в первом рейсе года крепят заново.
Случайно, не про "одуванчиковые поля навсегда" пели Битлз?
На набережной в Бремерхафене.
Мы покидаем Бремерхафен.
Продолжение - часть двадцать четвертая.