August 8, 2023

CryptoBot - paid subscriptions, their features and a guide on how to use them (2023)

Let's start with the terminology: what are paid subscriptions, why are they needed, and how do they work?

Paid subscription is a way to monetize your content or support a content creator from anywhere in the world.

The essence of work: you create a link to pay, send it in a private message or fix it in your main channel/chat, a person pays for the subscription with CryptoBot (in any coin), then gets into a private channel/private chat, where you, as a content maker, can post exclusive material, insights, etc.
Access to it will be available to all people who have paid for this subscription, and when it expires, the person who has not renewed the subscription will be excluded from the channel/chat automatically.

How do I connect a paid subscription to my private channel/private chat?

1. Go to
2. Click "Start"

3. Click on the "Subscriptions" button

4. Click the "Connect" button

5. Choose "Add to Channel" ("Add to Group" is optional, we will consider it later)

6. Choose which channel we will connect our bot to (in my case "TEST")

7. Click "Add Bot as Admin"

8. Click "OK"

9. Go back to CryptoBot and customize the tariff plan as you want

Tariff customization options

  • Interval: from 1 to 12 months
  • Paying with: available in BTC, ETH, TON, USDT, BUSD, USDC or BNB (you can choose more than one)
  • Price: measured in dollars, any, but not more than 5000$
P.s. After subscribing, the payment will be automatically deducted no more than the set period of time and immediately credited to the wallet of the owner of the channel or group in the bot
Commission of 5% is charged at registration or renewal of subscription

After you have configured the settings, click the "Create Plan" button.

10. Setting up Special Offers (optional)
After setting up the tariff, the corresponding menu appears, where you can click "Edit Special Offers"

11. In the opened menu customize the Special Offer as we like

Special offers customization options

  • Discount: from 5% to 80%
  • Expires in: from 1 day to 1 year
  • Max subscribers: from 1 to 9999999 or unlimited (number of subscribers who will be able to use this offer)
  • Only for new subscribers: Yes/No (in case of Yes, only new subscribers will be able to benefit from the offer, in case of No - anyone)
P.s. There can be only one Special Offer at a time

After you have configured it, click the "Create Offer" button

12. The offer is created, you can see the menu with the ability to manage Special Offers

13. Connecting a group (chat). Return to the "Subscriptions" menu

14. We see a new button "My Channels", click on it

15. Select our channel

16. From the list, select the "Linked Group" button (if you haven't added it until now, it should be "OFF")

17. Click "Add to group"

18. Select the desired chat (in my case "TEST CHAT")

19-20. Do everything as in steps 7-8


Adding new channels and tariffs

To add a paid subscription to a new channel, just repeat the procedure from 4 to 8 points, to add a new tariff - from 9 to 12 points

You can connect your channel here: