August 4, 2022

2D simulation of Solar system

In this article we'll try to create 2D simulation of Solar system with python and pygame lib. I consider people that are reading it are familiar with pygame lib, just basics. Let's get started.

That's how looks framework of pygame app.

import pygame
import math

# colors in rgb type for drawing planets and Sun
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
BLUE = (26, 209, 255)
RED = (255, 92, 51)
GREY = (80, 71, 81)
ORANGE = (204, 163, 0)

WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 800
WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Solar system simulation")
def main():
    run = True
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    while run:
        # set up 60 fps
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                run = False


If you start it, you'll see black sreen and working button for closing window.

Now let's define Planet class. It's also easy to change SCALE in simulation, just increase first number and check it out.

class Planet: 
    # astronomical unit, distance from the Sun to the Earth in meters 
    AU = 149.6e6 * 1000 
    G = 6.67428e-11 
    SCALE = 80 / AU # 1 AU = 100 pixels 
    TIMESTEP = 3600 * 24 # 1 day (3600 seconds = 1 hour)

Here is initializing function of Planet class, nothing complicated but I'd like to note I use sun variable to identify Sun. Technically sun isn't a planet, it's star but who cares? :) So, all planets have False value and only Sun has True.

def __init__(self, x, y, radius, color, mass): 
    self.x = x 
    self.y = y 
    self.radius = radius 
    self.color = color 
    self.mass = mass  
    self.sun = False 
    self.distance_to_sun = 0 
    self.orbit = []  
    self.x_velocity = 0 
    self.y_velocity = 0

For now let's create draw function basement.

def draw(self, win): 
    # WIDTH / 2 and HEIGHT / 2 give a chance to draw in the middle of the scren
    # in Pygame center of the screen is at the top left corner
    x = self.x * self.SCALE + WIDTH / 2 
    y = self.y * self.SCALE + HEIGHT / 2
    # draw circle with set color and radius in the middle of the screen, self.color, (x, y), self.radius)

Now we'll add Sun and other planets to the simulation and check if draw function works right. Code below should be added in the main function before while cycle. The reason why I put - in first value for Earth and Mars it's because I want to see planets in different sides(left or right).

By the way, why this project is calling simulation because I use real numbers to simulate movements of planets with gravity. All numbers easy to google and check.

sun = Planet(0, 0, 15, YELLOW, 1.98892 * 10**30) 
sun.sun = True
# further it's easy to add more planets
mercury = Planet(0.387 * Planet.AU, 0, 4, GREY, 0.330 * 10**23)
venus = Planet(0.723 * Planet.AU, 0, 7, WHITE, 4.8685 * 10**24)
earth = Planet(-1 * Planet.AU, 0, 8, BLUE, 5.9742 * 10**24)
mars = Planet(-1.524 * Planet.AU, 0, 6, RED, 6.39 * 10**23)

planets = [sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars]

def main():
    run = True
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    while run:
        # set up 60 fps
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                run = False
        for planet in planets:


That's what we got. Planets with actual distances reduced in many times

Planets of Solar system

Now I want to disscus the hardest part of article - realisation of gravity. We need to calculate distance beetwen two points and force that acts on two objects and farther with using cos and sin calculate Fy and Fx movement.

Formula illustration
def attraction(self, other):
    # calculating R(distance between 2 points) 
    other_x, other_y = other.x, other.y 
    distance_x = other_x - self.x 
    distance_y = other_y - self.y 
    distance = math.sqrt(distance_x ** 2 + distance_y ** 2)  
    if other.sun: 
        self.distance_to_sun = distance
    # calculating force_x and force_y to define how to move object    
    force = self.G * self.mass * other.mass / distance ** 2 
    angle = math.atan2(distance_y, distance_x) 
    force_x = math.cos(angle) * force 
    force_y = math.sin(angle) * force  
    return force_x, force_y

Next step is setup start y velocity for planets in main function and add new if your sreen is quite big for this :) Again minus before number determines direction of movement(clockwise or counterclockwise).

# start y velocity
mercury.y_velocity = -47.4 * 1000
venus.y_velocity = -35.02 * 1000
earth.y_velocity = 29.783 * 1000
mars.y_velocity = 24.077 * 1000

# new planet if your screen is big enough
jupiter = Planet(5.2 * Planet.AU, 0, 10, ORANGE, 1.898 * 10**27)    
jupiter.y_velocity = -13.1 * 1000

Now we'll complete update function. Here we count x velocity for planets. You can test and delete starting values for y velocity, you'll see something like falling planets on the Sun without moving around it.

def update_position(self, planets): 
    total_force_x = total_force_y = 0 
    for planet in planets: 
        if self == planet: 
        fx, fy = self.attraction(planet) 
        total_force_x += fx 
        total_force_y += fy  
    # F = m * a, Newton's second law of motion then a = F / m  
    self.x_velocity += total_force_x / self.mass * self.TIMESTEP 
    self.y_velocity += total_force_y / self.mass * self.TIMESTEP
    self.x += self.x_velocity * self.TIMESTEP 
    self.y += self.y_velocity * self.TIMESTEP 
    self.orbit.append((self.x, self.y))

Of course add new function update_position to the main function!


Let's add some orbits for moving planets. This code should be added to the draw function before drawing circle(planet).

if len(self.orbit) > 2: 
    updated_points = []
    # we get all points during the movement and with it draw line 
    for point in self.orbit: 
        x, y = point 
        x = x * self.SCALE + WIDTH / 2 
        y = y * self.SCALE + HEIGHT / 2 
        updated_points.append((x, y))  
    # False means it isn't enclosed line    
    pygame.draw.lines(win, self.color, False, updated_points, 1)

For now you get working simulation that looks pretty cool for me.

Working 2D simulation of Solar system

As always full code can be found at my GitHub:

See ya soon
