I study in Prague, love programming
8 posts

Ray-casting with Pygame

Hi there, in this article I'm going to discuss ray-casting theme and create raycasting algorithm from the scratch with pygame.

Hash tables

Hi there, in this article I want to talk about hash tables and implement it with c++, let's get started.

Text justification

Hi everyone, in this article I'll try to explain how to implement text justification algorithm. We'll use python for this. Let's get started.

RSA, part 2: encryption and decryption

Hi there! It's second part about RSA alorithm. We'll talk about encryption of messages and their decryption. For encyption and decryption we use the same operation: modular exponention. So, basically what we need to do is to create pow_mod function. We can implement it with 2 different approaches: recursion and iterative realizations.

RSA, part 1: generating private and public keys

Hi there. It's first part about RSA algorithm with using c++, I'll provide information and code about generating public and private keys. Let's get started. RSA is public key cryptosystem which widely used for transfering data. It was descovered in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. RSA creates public key with using two large prime numbers and auxiliary value. The idea of all public key cryptosystems is simple:

2D simulation of Solar system

In this article we'll try to create 2D simulation of Solar system with python and pygame lib. I consider people that are reading it are familiar with pygame lib, just basics. Let's get started.

Binary trees

In this article i'm going to talk about binary trees. Binary tree is a data structure where each node have at most two children(other nodes), usually it's left child and right child

Solving easy sudoku(backtracking)

In this article I’d like to consider backtracking technique. Backtracking is a type of BFS (Brute-force-search) algorithm. Backtracking is DFS(depth first search), because it’ll completely go through one branch before moving to the next.