English version
March 26

XVI Congress of RCYL(b) / RKSM(b)

Information message

On December 23-24, 2023, the XVI Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Union — RKSM(b) — took place in Leningrad. Considering the current conditions, the congress was held in a closed format. Greetings were received from the communist youth unions from Brazil, USA, Germany, from the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation and from other organizations.

After listening to the report on the work done and recognizing the work of the governing bodies as satisfactory, the congress participants adopted a plan for the new reporting period, outlining the main directions in the organizational, propaganda, international activities of the Union, as well as in outreach activities, which the authorities are trying to ban completely.

In terms of developing regional representation, work is planned in Pskov, Vologda, Chelyabinsk, Moscow regions and other regions of the country.

The congress noted the importance of developing interaction with the World Federation of Democratic Youth, trade unions of the Confederation of Labor of Russia and other trade union associations that defend the interests of working people not only in words but in deeds.

The RKSM(b), holding onto a consistent internationalist line in the communist movement, adopted changes to the Program Statement and the Charter of the organization in accordance with the requirements of the time.

New Central Committee and Central Control Commission were elected. Comrade Sergei Alvard was elected Secretary of the Central Committee of the RKSM(b).

Having made all the necessary decisions, the congress completed its work.

Statement of the Congress of the Congress of the RKSM(b) “Prolrtarian internationalism is our response to the world reaction!”

Today communists are forced to work in new, much more difficult conditions. The aggravation of the inter-imperialist confrontation in Ukraine led in Russia not only to the curtailment of scanty bourgeois freedoms, supposedly guaranteed by the nullified constitution (such as the elementary right to hold rallies and pickets) but to a qualitative and quantitative increase in repression, including towards leftist and trade union activists, as well. There’s an increase in the influence of reactionary forces hand in hand with an atmosphere of terror and police brutality in the country.

The economic situation is becoming more complicated. The budget deficit is becoming increasingly felt, the consequence of which will be another round of “belt tightening.” The shortage of workers does not lead to an actual increase in wages. On the contrary, the real incomes of the proletariat continue to fall. At the same time, the profit of the banking sector in 2023 broke a record in its entire history, reaching 3 trillion rubles.

To protect themselves from the people’s anger caused by the results of the next round of liberal reforms, the authorities are strengthening the police regime and appointing “scapegoats” on whom all sins are blamed. At the same time, there are those who, calling themselves leftists and even communists, fall for bourgeois propaganda and even contribute to it.

A similar situation is there at the international level, when accusations of fascism against the governments of some countries are combined with cooperation with them. In this regard, the extradition of fighters from the Azov regiment, recognized in Russia as a terrorist organization, in exchange for Vladimir Putin’s friend, became symbolic.

In these conditions, we call on the proletarian internationalist forces for unity, solidarity and joint daily work. We need to act based on real circumstances, without dogma and lectures. Strengthen your influence in work and educational communities, strengthen international solidarity, learn to introduce and use the most progressive means for self-organization and self-government.

Today the slogans “Workers of all countries, unite!” and “Socialism or death!” take on new relevance. Only proletarian self-organization based on principles that reflect the fundamental interests of its class can change the situation: stop the death of workers and the spread of reaction, prevent a new world war, take the necessary steps towards building a society without exploitation, alienation and oppression.

24 december 2023