РКСМ(б) — Революционный Комсомол
Наша борьба, наши взгляды, наша идеология, наша реакция на события в мире
81 posts
English version

RKSM(b) activists took part in a dissemination workshop to mark the 72nd anniversary of the Bangladesh Student Union

We were invited to give a presentation on the topic of commercialization of education, educational policy and globalization. We are talking about neoliberal reforms in Russia in the field of education and science, talking about the rising cost of paid educational programs, the segregation of educational institutions and the scandal surrounding the Ilyin schools. Below is the text of our report.

On the Tragic Incidents of March 22 in Krasnogorsk and the Ensuing Response Statement from the CC RCYL(b)

The tragedy that occurred on the evening of March 22 has shaken the entire country. We all understand very well that the target of terror could have been not just in Moscow but anywhere in Russia, and any one of us could have been a victim of such a tragedy. As of now, the terrorists have been detained, and an investigation is underway. The perpetrators of this crime deserve severe punishment; there can be no justification for such inhumanity.

XVI Congress of RCYL(b) / RKSM(b)

On December 23-24, 2023, the XVI Congress of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Union — RKSM(b) — took place in Leningrad. Considering the current conditions, the congress was held in a closed format. Greetings were received from the communist youth unions from Brazil, USA, Germany, from the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation and from other organizations.

#Freekononovich: we will not leave you behind

As we approach 500 days since the kidnapping of our comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich by the Security Service of the reactionary regime of Ukraine, their situation continues to worsen. In the last hours, we have been informed that the threats against their physical integrity, including death threats, are escalating. A clear example of this situation is the posts of the Ukrainian police officer, Yevgeny Kravchul, on his social media instigating to escalate the repression of our comrades and their murder. Considering that since they have been under house arrest fascist groups are hovering around their home, this is an added risk to their lives. As we have been denouncing since their kidnapping in March 2022, not only the...


Dear comrades!

Solidarity with Kononovich brothers from Russia!

Activists of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation and the Revolutionary Communist Youth League (bolsheviks), as Russian affiliates of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, took part in a campaign of solidarity with arrested Ukrainian activists, organized by the WFDY all around the world. Komsomol members took to the streets of Leningrad with posters, on which was written “Freedom for the anti-fascists of Ukraine, Kononovich brothers!” in Russian, English and Ukrainian languages.

Leningrad Komsomol members are in solidarity with Cuba!

At the call of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, activists of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation and Revolutionary Communist Youth League (bolsheviks) — RCYL(b) took part in a campaign to support the people of Cuba, injured from Hurricane Ian. Komsomol members came out with posters “We stand in solidarity with the Cuban revolution.” Thanks to Her, the Cubans under the Communist Party unanimously and successfully coped with the consequences of natural disasters, aggravated by the blockade of the country by the imperialists.

Support the DPRK! Support the Peace!

In September, the South Korean authorities launched large balloons with propaganda and provocations from the South Korean island of Ganghwa into the territory of the DPRK.

Information statement of RCYL(b)/RKSM(b) Central Committee (11.04.22)

The plenum of the Central Committee of the RKSM(b) informs the members of the organization, supporters and readers of our media about the attempted raider seizure of the organization.