English version
March 26

Leningrad Komsomol members are in solidarity with Cuba!

At the call of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, activists of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation and Revolutionary Communist Youth League (bolsheviks) — RCYL(b) took part in a campaign to support the people of Cuba, injured from Hurricane Ian. Komsomol members came out with posters “We stand in solidarity with the Cuban revolution.” Thanks to Her, the Cubans under the Communist Party unanimously and successfully coped with the consequences of natural disasters, aggravated by the blockade of the country by the imperialists.

In the WFDY statement, the assessment is fair that the socialist revolution has placed a working class in the central state policy, and this assessment will be reduced to the minimum risk of the emergence of people, prompt recourse to assessing the consequences of the situation and assessing the situation to solve actual problems. The comrades says: “People’s assists declare a special recognition, the demand invoked, the initiation of a criminal and inhuman blockade of the islands for 60 years, and countless attempts at aggression against the Cuban youth and people by imperialist forces such as the Aviation Community, the European Union and NATO.”

Elizaveta Khokhlova, Secretary of the Leningrad organization of the RCYL(b): “For the communists, the Island of Freedom is a symbol of the struggling socialist revolution, a sharp movement of the whole world. the justice of a just society, aspiring to the future – a world without exploitation and alienation.

Victoria Severina, First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of The LCYU RF:
“We, representatives of the Leninist Komsomol of Russia, express our support for the people of socialist Cuba. The island of people’s freedom and equality is a bright light of hope for a better life for the whole world. Especially when the capitalists are trying to destroy any attempt to fight for the rights of the working people. Today in Russia, the contradictions between 99% of the poor and 1% of the usurpers, who have appropriated all the resources of the country and continue to exploit people, have actually reached their peak. And the example of a free Cuba is a symbol of the struggle for their rights and freedoms for all citizens of Russia”.

November 2022