July 12, 2022

Ranking the Strength of Cp9 Agents That the Straw Hat Pirates Have Faced


Spandam became the leader of the Cp-9 organization because he had a cunning mindset, but apart from that he was just a weak and cowardly human. To overcome his weakness, Spandam uses several weapons, one of which is a weapon that can negate the effects of Devil Fruits. Therefore, this character can be defeated easily without this terrible weapon.


Kalifa is a member of the Cp-9 who is quite strong, using his Awa awa no Mi devil fruit. Even Kalifa almost managed to beat Nami, if Chopper didn't come to help the two girls fight in the Enies Lobby arc. The effect of the Awa awa no Mi is that it can release bubbles and make the opponent weak instantly.

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Physically, Fukurou has a fairly large and round body, he is a tough enough opponent for Franky to face in Enies Lobby. The fight between these two characters is quite fierce with a fist fight and full of crazy blood. Fukurou does not have the power of a devil fruit like some of his other colleagues, but he has a very tough physique and is an extraordinary opponent for Franky.


Kumadori is an opponent with medium-range fighting techniques, he is a pretty terrible opponent for Chopper in Enies Lobby, because he can move his long hair at will. Although in the end he lost to Chopper's transformation which was very brutal and vicious, but Kumadori was famous for his perseverance against enemies with his fighting techniques and experience.

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  1. Different from other pirates, the sophistication of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates
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Blueno's appearance looks like an ordinary gentleman, but he has extraordinary strength as a Cp-9 member. He has extraordinary fighting techniques, and can rearrange his opponent's face to confuse him in battle. He managed to beat Sanji on the Sea Train and made the chef battered, even Luffy needed to work hard by using Gear Second to be able to defeat Blueno.


Jabra is a member of the Cp-9 who has terrible strength, he has a physique like middle-aged men with the buttons of his shirt always open. But behind that, all he has is the Inu inu no Mi Devil Fruit power which is very terrible. Jabra can turn into a very large and strong wolf, he is also a user of two Haki namely Bushoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.


Kaku is the second strongest person in Cp-9, he is a martial arts expert who can make Zoro cornered in his fight. Kaku is a user of the Ushi ushi no Mi Devil Fruit which can turn him into a giraffe. With extraordinary physical endurance, Kaku managed to become a pretty terrible opponent in Enies Lobby, thus making him have to face resistance from three characters at once, namely Usopp, Sanji and Zoro.

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Rob Lucci

The strongest character in Cp-9 is Lucci, with his calm nature but has a brutal fighting appetite, he managed to dominate this organization and scare all his comrades. Lucci is a very terrible Neko neko no Mi Devil Fruit user, by turning himself into a bobcat, Lucci makes his movements very agile and fast. His fight against Luffy became a very epic duel in Enies Lobby, because it had pushed Luffy to exceed his limit and use Gear Second and Gear Third in close proximity.

Cek Profil 1 : Zonahobisaya

Cek Profil 2 : Zonahobisaya

Cek Profil 3 : Zonahobisaya

Cek Profil 4 : Zonahobisaya

Cek Profil 5 : Zonahobisaya

Cek Profil 6 : Zonahobisaya

Cek Profil 7 : Zonahobisaya