July 15, 2022

4 Similarities of King and Wyper in One Piece! Is There a Connection?

Do you still remember Wyper in One Piece? He is a character from the Skypiea plot. He is the strongest fighter of the Shandia tribe in the plot, able to survive despite using the Reject Dial three times, even though the Dial should be able to kill its user.

After King's face was revealed in One Piece 1035, I realized that there are some similarities between King and Wyper in One Piece.


1. Physical characteristics

Wyper and King were both winged humans. Even so, their wings were different. Wyper wings are white and small in size, like the other Shandorans. Meanwhile, King's wings are quite large and black in color.

King brown skin. Meanwhile, in the anime version, Wyper's skin is also shown to be brown. 

The difference is, Oda gives a special tone color to King's skin in the manga while he doesn't give it to Wyper. Before King, Oda did not give the character's skin tone color, including for characters with fantastic skin tones like the Fishmans. 

2. Tattoo on the side of the left eye

Wyper and King both have tattoos on the left side of their face, around their eyes.

The shape is different. The King has a leaf-like design. Even so unique, basically these two tattoos are similar. It looks a bit like the letter C, or maybe a crescent moon, with an extra line.

For King, the extra line almost reached his ears. As for Wyper, these extra lines extend beyond his ears. 

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3. Position of King and Wyper in the group/tribe

King is Kaido's strongest subordinate. But he wasn't the main boss of the Animal Kingdom group. Above King is still Kaido, who is the main boss of his pirate group.

Meanwhile Wyper is Shandia's strongest fighter. Even so we know that the Shandia have a tribal chief. 

So they are both strong fighters, but there are other leaders in their group/tribe. 

4. Situation of the Shandia and Lunarians

Before there was Mary Geoise, above the Red Line was the Kingdom of Gods. Lunarians live there.

Even so, now the peak of the Red Line was filled by Mary Geoise. Meanwhile the Lunarians were almost extinct.

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The World Government is also still hunting for Lunarians. From the whispers of Kaido's subordinates in chapter 1035, simply giving the World Government information about Lunarians can earn the reporter a prize of hundreds of millions. 

This indicates that the Lunarian extinction may have been caused by the World Government, or the 20 founding kingdoms of the World Government, taking over the Red Line.

Meanwhile, in chapter 272, Nico Robin realized that the city of Shandora was destroyed protecting the Poneglyphs. The books in the city, according to Robin, were burned and the history of the city was erased.

It seems, during the Void Century, the great city of Shandora was attacked by a certain enemy. This enemy is supposed to be the 20 kingdoms that fought the Great Kingdom. The parties that later became the World Government. 

So, it's also interesting that King and Wyper both seem to be from the winged clan which is an indication of being defeated by the current World Government in the past. 

Even so, at least in Luffy's era the Shandia are still luckier than Lunarians. For Lunarians, only King we know still exists. 

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