July 15, 2022

10 Strongest Mink Tribe Members in One Piece

The Mink tribe is one of the races that appears in the One Piece story. They are known as very strong fighters and live in the kingdom of Mokomo Dukedom which is located on the back of a giant elephant named Zunisha.

Uniquely, these Minks have been gifted with fighting abilities since birth. They also have several fighting techniques, such as electro abilities and Sulong's transformation. In the following, MogiMogy would like to share some of the strongest Mink tribe members in the One Piece story.

Well, let's just discuss together the following!

10. Bepo

Bepo is one of the main members of the Heart pirates and the younger brother of Zepo from the Mink tribe. He has gifted navigation skills. In addition, he can also be considered as Law's right-hand man.

Throughout the story, Bepo shows his fighting skills very well. Since he's from the Mink tribe, he should be able to use both electrical abilities as well as Sulong techniques. Unfortunately, Bepo has not shown that strength when fighting. If he is able to use that power, he will definitely become a very strong Mink fighter.

9. Carrot

This member of the Mink tribe is one of the important characters who accompanies Luffy in the Whole Cake Island story. He is a character who is quite innocent and always wants to feel adventure in the ocean.

Although he still lacks experience, Carrot proves that he is a formidable fighter. Carrot grew stronger after being trained by Pedro. Not only that, he was also able to change into Sulong mode and overwhelmed Big Mom's army on Whole Cake Island.

8. Roddy

The next strongest Mink member is the brutal bull named Roddy. This Mink is Nekomamushi's personal bodyguard as well as Pedro's subordinate. He has a very strong physique and is brutal when fighting.

He had shown this ability when he fought with Luffy in the Whale Forest. Roddy has a Mo Golova header technique that is able to match Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Kane. Not only that, Roddy was also able to change into Sulong mode when he fought the Beast pirates in Wano.

7. Lindbergh

This Mink is the commander of the southern revolutionary forces. Seeing his high enough position, Lindbergh can be ascertained is a very formidable fighter. He is also very genius because he is able to create various sophisticated weapons.

For example, Lindbergh uses a jetpack to fly. Not only that, he also created a special rifle called Cool Shooter that can freeze enemies. With genius as well as sophisticated tools, Lindbergh of course will be difficult to beat.

6. Shishilian

Next, there is Shishilian who is the captain of the Musketeer Squad serving King Inuarashi. He is one of the strongest Mink members as he showed in his fight against Kaido's troops.

Shishilian has excellent swordsmanship. He was able to defeat the Gifters easily when Jack and his men attacked Zou. Not only that, Shishilian can also change into Sulong mode when fighting in Onigashima.

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5. Pekoms

Pekoms is a member of the Mink tribe who joins Big Mom's subordinates. He has a pretty fantastic bounty, which is 330,000,000 Berries. In addition, he has a fairly high position in the pirate group.

In addition to having the ability to fight as a Mink tribe, Pekoms also has a Zoan Kame Kame no Mi type devil fruit that makes him turn into a turtle. The strength of Pekoms proved to be able to defeat Caribou easily. Not only that, Pekoms' power goes wild when he turns into Sulong mode even though he can't control it well.

4. Pedro

Pedro's actions in the One Piece story may not need to be debated. He is the right-hand man of Nekomamushi who has high faith in the Straw Hat crew. Because of that, Pedro was willing to sacrifice himself so that Luffy and the others could survive.

Besides having high loyalty, Pedro is also the best fighter of the Mink tribe. He is very skilled in using the sword and his strength is on par with Baron Tamago of the Big Mom pirates. Not only that, Pedro is also very calm and able to hide his presence from the enemy so he is very dangerous.

3. Hitsugisukan

In third place, there is a former Mink king named Hitsugisukan who led the Mokomo Dukedom during the era of Gol D. Roger. He seems wise and has faith in Roger and Oden so he gives them both access to the Road Poneglyph.

Although Hitsugisukan is never shown fighting, he is definitely a very strong fighter as he has the title of king and is able to rule over the Mink tribe. In addition, Hitsugisukan is most likely a strong electro user as well as being able to transform into Sulong's form.

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2. Inuarashi

In second place, there is the figure of Inuarashi who is one of the rulers of the Mokomo Dukedom. In addition, Inuarashi is also one of the servants of the Kozuki family. Inuarashi's strength is unquestionable because he was able to fight Jack the Drought without fear.

With just one arm, Inuarashi was able to withstand the attacks of Jack who was then in his Mammoth form. Not only that, Inuarashi is also a formidable sword user. His strength was also almost on par with the brutal Asura Doji. In addition, Inuarashi is able to use electro and transforms into his Sulong form very well.

1. Nekomamushi

At first glance, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi's strength could be said to be equal and it was quite difficult to determine which of them was the strongest. They are both the king who rules the Mokomo Dukedom as well as Oden's loyal servant

However, there are several reasons that make Nekomamushi suitable for this position because of his violent and brutal nature when fighting. Nekomamushi can slam into Mammoth Jack's form very easily. Nekomamushi's strength at that time was also superior to Jack's. Just like Inu, Neko is able to transform into a more terrifying Sulong form.

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