July 12, 2022

Shanks' Long Journey To Become A Pirate With The Title Of Yonko Or Emperor

Shanks is one of the most respected Yonko by Marines and other pirates. One of the highlights when Shanks stopped the war at Marineford. In the databook, Odda mentions that Shanks is not a devil fruit eater, but the haki he has is the most powerful, some even fire gold haki. The following is Shanks' long journey from before becoming an ordinary pirate to becoming a Yonko.

1. Shanks hails from the best Sake-producing island in the West Blue. Shanks said he had traveled the earth but had never found a better sake than his hometown sake. The only known origin of Shanks' crew is Yasopp. Some say that Benn Beckman also comes from East Blue, but until now no authentic evidence has been found.

2. When they were crew on the Oro Jackson, Shanks and Buggy always fought. Whatever Buggy said, Shanks would say otherwise. Buggy himself considers Shanks a very annoying person. Buggy's hatred for Shanks peaked when Shanks forced Buggy to swallow a Devil Fruit. Shanks himself did not consider Buggy his enemy, Shanks intended to make Buggy his first crew but was flatly rejected by Buggy.

3. After being rejected by Buggy, Shanks goes around looking for a crew to form his own pirate. What is considered the first crew is Benn Beckman who is known as the owner of the highest IQ. Shanks is seen going to pick up Yasopp to join, a man who is already well known as a great sniper. However, we assume at that time Yasopp rejected Shanks' offer, why? Because 24 years ago (at the time of the incident) Usopp was not born and it is certain that Yasopp did not leave Banchina before he became pregnant.

4. Yasopp has a deep relationship with Kiken no Vista, the 5th Captain of Whitebeard Fleet. Yasopp also once defeated Daddy Masterson, a Navy captain who was famous for being a shooter. Yasopp says he can shoot small insects from hundreds of meters away. Yasopp's talent was really passed on to his son.

5. What did Shanks et al do in East Blue for 1 year?

Shanks is not a small pirate who does not count his existence. They were great pirates and probably already Yonko. East Blue is not a place full of wealth, nor is it a place for mafias, they go to Fuusha village for a reason.

Our opinion is that Shanks is indeed looking for a Devil Fruit there. Shanks and friends lived in Fuusha for a year and occasionally went exploring the East Blue looking for something. Shanks only left East Blue after he found the Gomu-Gomu fruit from the enemy ship. Even though the fruit was eaten by Luffy in the end.

Shanks et al's surprised expression when Luffy ate the gomu-gomu was also very suspicious. If fruit wasn't important, Shanks and friends wouldn't need to panic. Surprised to worry that Luffy won't be able to swim later? No, Shanks has seen many people who are actually stronger because of eating Devil Fruits.

6. There must be a lot of fans who disagree with our opinion of Shanks looking for a Devil Fruit. We also firmly believe that Shanks is the owner of the strongest Haki power. Shanks' Haki can overthrow 100,000 people in one go, overthrow the notoriously tough Mobydick crew, and can even split clouds. But even so, it is not an insult if people who already have strong weapons look for other weapons.

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7. Before going to East Blue Shanks had a fight with Teach. But considering Whitebeard didn't know about the incident, Teach must have been on a personal mission at the time. And Teach's personal mission has been to find the strongest Devil Fruit in the world. We suspect because they are both looking for Devil Fruits that they meet and fight.

8. Luffy always asks Shanks to make him a crew. But of course Luffy's request was rejected. There is no advantage Shanks taking a boy who is still 7 years old into a crew which is just a hassle. When all the crew laughed at the young Luffy, only Benn Beckman comforted Luffy. Despite having left Luffy in East Blue, Shanks said Luffy had a resemblance to Roger to Rayleigh.

9. How could Shanks be so stupid as to lose his hand when he saved Luffy. Actually Sensei had no intention of 'cutting off' Shanks' hand. But at that time, the Editor said, One Piece will not be read by people if it does not make a breakthrough since the first chapter. The loss of Shanks' hand made a deep impression on Luffy and made him feel guilty for Shanks. This is also what might make Luffy say he no longer wants to join Shanks and choose to form a pirate.

10. Is Shanks a Swordsman? Well… that's already explained by Sensei in the Red Databook. Shanks' sword is called the Griffon. The griffon is a half eagle and half lion beast that makes it the strongest creature on land and in the air. From its appearance, this sword does not look special but in terms of strength this sword can be a winner. This sword can withstand the overflow of Shanks' aura and is proven to be able to withstand Whitebeard and Akainu's attacks. The Griffon Beast is also known as the guardian of the God's treasure, so it's not hard to imagine that Shanks is currently also acting as the guardian of One Piece's 'God's Treasure.

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11. Hearing Shanks as a great swordsman, maybe that's the reason Mihawk went to challenge Shanks. The duel of Shanks and Mihawk is one of the most discussed duels in the world, although the final outcome is unknown. After this fight, it's likely that Mihawk gets WG's invitation to become a Shichibukai. Because the reason someone is made a Shichibukai is that they have the power to stop a Yonko. After Shanks was disabled, Mihawk didn't want to fight Shanks anymore.

12. The Gorosei do think of Shanks as a Yonko but they also don't believe that Shanks and friends can change the world. The reason may be because Shanks has no intention of looking for One Piece and prefers to party. But the Gorosei still pay attention if at any time Shanks makes an alliance with other Yonko.

13. Shanks came before Whitebeard to summon Ace back instead of chasing Teach. Shanks knew that Ace would not be able to win against Teach. Basically Whitebeard is not disrespecting Shanks' idea, it's just that he also really can't call Ace back who is famous for being stubborn.

14. When he heard Kaido wanted to attack Whitebeard from behind who was about to free Ace, Shanks got up to stop Kaido. Seeing as Kaido is a stubborn person, it is very unlikely that the two of them will resolve their problems by negotiating.

15. People were very surprised to see Shanks come to Marineford. From New World to Marineford there are only two roads, namely via Fishmen Island or via the Clam Belt. Whatever the result of Shanks' clash against Kaido, it is impossible for Shanks to come to Marineford from New World in just a few hours without special powers.

16. Besides Shanks, the Red Hair Crew who have shown their strength are Lucky Roux and Benn Beckman. Lucky Roux shot Higuma's crew undetected. In the past it might have been a special power but now it was an ordinary power. Benn Beckman is said to be able to kill Kizaru. Kizaru panicked when Benn Beckman pointed him but when Kizaru continued his attack on Luffy Benn Beckman didn't take any precautions.

17. Red Hair has a lot of sniper crews and the most basic ability of Shanks' crew is definitely being able to coat his weapons with defensive haki. Kizaru might have panicked because he didn't expect Benn Beckman to be pointed at him, but when he focused on Benn Beckman he no longer worried about getting hit because he was able to dodge it (the Katakuri case can dodge a haki fist attack). However, that does not mean that Benn Beckman is not very strong. Fighting such a highly intelligent enemy was not a good choice. Geniuses can use every available element to their advantage.

18. Is Makino's son also Shanks' son? Oda-Sensei just said “he's That Person's child.” The men who were close to Makino weren't very many. Among the ASL trio, Sabo is memory lost, Luffy is definitely impossible, and Ace is also more interested in Isca. Shanks may live in New World but considering he was able to bring the Red Force to Marineford, then it's not impossible that he'll ever come to Fuusha again. If it wasn't Shanks' son the only possibility would be Dragon.

19. Luffy says he wants to beat all the Yonko except not Shanks first. After all Luffy's promise will not come true if he defeats Shanks first. Luffy promises to return Shanks' hat when he becomes the Pirate King. Luffy won't be able to become the pirate king before defeating the other 3 Yonko

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